Dive work in Oz?

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Hi all,
I'm in sydney at the moment, but getting really bored. Money is short so I'm thinking of heading up north to Cairns. Has anybody worked in dive shops or with dive tours on the Great Barrier Reaf? Is there work to be had up there? I've only got the Padi Open water cert at the moment, but intend on going Advanced as soon as I can.


Unless you can find a retail spot in a store, you will probably need at least Dive Master rating to work diving. You could try finding an internship up there for a DM - which may not provide enough cash to live on, unless you can get a job pulling beers or something at the same time. But it's worth a try cause chicks always dig the accent :)
hi joe,
ben is correct. you will need a higher qualification to work in the dive industry.
everyone in the shop that I DM for, is either a DM or instructor. it makes business sense to have professionals on the retail side. so unless a shop is looking for a shop hand then you'll be stuck.
also remember that there are hundreds of backpackers trawling the east coast of oz with a DM card in their pocket looking for a job on a liveaboard/shop etc. so yure at the back of the list. i also know that some people camp out at hervey bay for days on end to get aboard a liveaboard as a deck hand/cook/slave.
i also second the idea of doing an DM internship, but it will cost u. go up to south east asia and do one, its much cheaper and far less officious. also up in QLD the dive industry is regulated far more strictly than down here in NSW. i would not be able to work up there as a DM as i have only done the PADI first aid course which QLD health and safety do not accept.
trust in the force.
I am sorry to say you have very little chance of finding work in the diving industry in OZ unless you are a DM or higher.

You might get work in a booking offce or counter sales but that is about it.

If you offer to work for free you might get lucky and get a free boat ride as a host on the boats, you might even get a dive if you are lucky


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