Dive While Pregnant?

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Well, I just found out tonight, I'm pregnant! I'm wondering, do you dive while your pregnant? If so, how far along can you be to safely dive?

Looking forward to spending more time in here!
The recommendation is to not dive at all while pregnant. This issue has been discussed many times with more detail. Please use the Search function.
Congratulations!!! ....

…..and commiserations: sorry but it seems that you're going to have to hang up your fins for 9 months.

There’s antidotal evidence of higher miscarriages for women who dive when pregnant.

The jury is out on just exactly the degree of risk there is - and without human trials (which would be unethical) we may never know.

But put it this way: if your baby was born with abnormalities that may be attributed to diving when pregnant would you be able to live with that?

9 months is not a long time. Gives you time to train your partner to sit at home and change nappies while you head off for some post-natal dives (execise after pregnancy is very important right?)..

There are some great posts on the subject on the board. Some are listed at the bottom of this page for starters...


I'm curious from a purely theoretical point of view: If a woman dives during the later stages of pregnancy, then would the fetus feel the pressure buildup in the ears?
Can we sticky one of these threads so it's easy to find? No offense to the original poster, but this issue seems to come up about once a week.

I agree with Biscuit7. Pick one of the better threads related to diving and prenancy and make it sticky in this section. Breast feeding is also another common issue linked to pregnancy and diving so maybe that could be combined or made sticky as well.
It is not uncommon for women to scubadive on our island. I know of one Asian woman who owns a dive shop dove up to her 7 th month with no problems. It seems their has been no studies on diving and being PG.

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