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People's Republic of Alachua
Hi all,
I'm new to this board, so I thought I'd say HI and thanks for having such a great community to draw on. I'm in public safety, and I'm trying to get back in shape to dive, for enjoyment and to try out for our URT Team. I'm from the center of the dive universe (that's our story and I'm stickin' to it!), FLORIDA. I've been certified since 1995, but I haven't been able to dive for years. Luckily I kept my gear, so I should be getting wet again after it's back from getting inspected. I hope everyone stays safe, and gets wet!
Welcome to ScubaBoard! :happywave

... and welcome back to diving! Good luck with your path to becoming one of the URT divers in your area. Keep us updated on your progress and what you are doing to get ready for that.

Dive safe!


P.S. Due to the high volume of new posts in the Introductions and Greets forum, it's not always possible to keep up with all the new posts here. So, please help me out and send me a PM if you post anything you want me to read or repsond to in this forum.
:palmtree: :sunny
Welcome to the board!

Hi there! My name is Kayla, and I have been diving for just over two years now. I think that you will learn a lot here from ScubaBoard, and hopefully you will be able to post about some of your own experiences as well. If you have any questions, please PM me. Otherwise, I look forward to getting to know you around that boards!

Safe diving!
Welcome to the Board Rich and congrats on deciding to come back into diving! You will find lots of very informative forums with great & friendly people here.

Make sure you check the Florida Conch Divers forum for local content, and to meet other Scuba Boarders in your area.

safe diving,
Heya Rich and welcome to the Board and back into the dive community... Seeing how your not too far away, when ya want to go diving? (post storm of course) My hubby's a LEO too so I know how crazy those hours can be, but we still try to dive at least once a week.. Let us know if you want to come down this way (I'm too much of a wimp for the cold springs, brrrrrr). Check out Florida Conch Divers there's always something going on....

Best wishes
Benvenuto a bordo from the middle of Mediterranean sea. :wavey:

and welcome back to the underwater world :fish:
:sunny Hi there! My name is Matt. Welcome to Scuba Board! I came here looking for help with my diving dream. I’ve met a lot of nice divers and many helpful divers too. I think you will get the information you need from SB. I look forward to reading more of your posts about your diving adventures. If you’d like to chat, please PM me.
I am looking forward to seeing you some more around the boards!

-Matt- :chicken:
Welcome Aboard!!!

It's addictive, but who cares?!?!?

Good friends and good info. What could be better???

P.S. - If you have not already done so, please fill out your profile.

It is great you are having you equipment serviced before using it again. That was smart. Addition to the link Scott and baitedstorm gave you to Florida Conch Divers, try this one.

Click here------------->[red]Public Safety Divers[/red]

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