Dive master looking for employment

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Reaction score
South Africa
# of dives
200 - 499
Hi there recently did my Dive Masters and would love to find some work as a DM wile I save to do IDC, hell I would dive any where in the world. I did the CDC at Coral Divers (Sodwana Bay) in South Africa and in the 6 months with them I completed 164 dives. I’ve been interested in the ocean from a young age and have fond the one thing that makes me truly happy, being under water and sharing my passion for the ocean with other people.

My specialities are as follows:
Fish ID

I have all my own gear except for a cylinder.

If anyone knows of anyone looking for DMs please give me a shout or point me in their direction, I'm willing to move to ANY location.
An update of me Certifications

• PADI Open Water Diver (14 Aug 08)
• PADI Advanced Open Water Diver (24 Aug 08)
• PADI Underwater Navigator Speciality (25 Aug 08)
• PADI Enriched Air Nitrox Max 40% O2 (15 Sep 08)
• PADI Deep Diver Speciality (13 Sep 08)
• PADI Multi-Level Diver Speciality (09 Sep 08)
• PADI Naturalist Diver Speciality (28 Apr 08)
• Emergency First Responder (06 Oct 08)
• PADI Rescue Diver (09 Oct08)
That would make you a Master Diver, not Dive Master in the PADI world.

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