dive bud in RI area...?

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Hi all...Just joined the site...sounds great in here. I'm a Diver in the New England area(RI)...always looking for a local dive buddy. Anyone need a Bud give me a hollar...I'm in Rhode Island...
ps...is there a discussion/page for this type of solicitation?
Hey there SNERT89, welcome aboard! Glad to have you here. Though I'm not from RI, I'm sure you'll find someone from the area interested in diving. If not we have some group trips on the boards as well. Looking forward to your paticipation. Cheers!


There doesn't seem to be too many divers in Rhode Island. It is one of only 2 states I don't have any listings for in my dive buddy listing service. If you want to find some, why don't you sign up as the first and sort of break the ice for the others in Rhode Island.


I have also looked for clubs and shops in R.I. not many around.

Plenty of good shops in RI, Let's Go Diving, United Divers of Providence, Ocean State Scuba, Narragansett Pier Dive Shop, etc. I don't know the RI clubs except the RI Freediving Club, any of the shops should be able to help you. The Massachusetts clubs dive in RI periodically. I know that the New England Aquarium Dive Club has some fish collecting dives coming up, see http://www.neadc.org/ .

I hope to be diving in RI this Fall, but freediving only. My wife and I were kayaking in Wickford on Sunday and I jumped in at Fort Wetherill at 5:30 pm to get a bit of exercise, but it turned out to be a very nice little dive. There were schools of juvenile bluefish feeding in the cove and feisty blue crabs on the bottom. On the wall on the left I found a section with anemones (frilled?), northern stony coral with polyps extended, and colonies of lined anemones.

Hi and welcome. As you are looking for a buddy due tell what type of diving are you doing up there in the chilly waters of the North Atlantic.......

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