Suggestion Dive blogs or personal dive web sites

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New Jersey
# of dives
200 - 499
I'd love to see a forum to allow users to post links to their personal dive blogs or dive related websites. I know many divers who have their own dive blogs or websites to show their diving to others. I enjoy reading the blogs and websites related to diving, not just the big forums, magazines, or vendors, but the little guy too.
It can be displayed in your profile page. Use Edit Profile to set it.

Look for the field: MySpace URL
Enter the complete URL (http://...) to your blog, Facebook or MySpace site.
That's really not what I meant. I was thinking more of a forum topic with a title of "member blogs or websites" or something like that. Members can post something like "hey, check out my dive blog at www.... That way, they can all be posted in one forum so people browsing can see them all listed in one place, without having to lookup each individual member to see if they have a URL listed on their signature or on their profile.
Well, feel free to start a thread in Non-Diving Related Stuff with this topic to get it going. Who knows how popular it will become?

The more people participate, the better the chances are for a dedicated forum. :)

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