Disappearing Threads ?????

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Reaction score
Victoria BC Canada
# of dives
500 - 999
So, a couple of weeks ago I participated in a thread that was rather critical, as in less than flattering, about a certain dive shop in Honduras. I've been AFK for the past while, and when i come here to see if the thread had progressed, I find that it's been disappeared.

As in black bagged, poof, gone, no evidence that it ever existed.

I can't find anything when I check my posting history, but one thing I did find however was that dive shop was one of the last three visitors to my profile. Since this was the only thread in that whole section that I participated in, that has to mean the dive center read it, right ?

Is this Scubaboard's policy, to delete negative reviews ? Can I trust this place to give me the straight dope on destinations and dive centers or is it all to be sunshine and lollipops?

If it were a Scubaboard policy to delete negative review threads then why are there so many still here all over the board? We're all divers and like to read honest and fair reviews of products and destinations so we know where to spend our money as well.

There are any number of reasons a thread can be removed (And I'm not sure why this one was), sometimes the violations of the SB terms of service are so frequent, flagrant and mean spirited that the thread becomes too time consuming to clean up. Sometimes we get informed that someone in the thread was formerly associated with the business and is posing as a customer to get a little payback for some real or imagined wrong. Sometimes an OP might request a thread be deleted for any number of reasons.

The staff does not discuss the reasons for specific actions of this type because it generally would violate someones privacy.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but if you have visited the operator feel free to post your own review.
Cheers Tom, thanks for the explanation.

The only negative reviews I've read have revolved around "unnamed" dive centers and focused specifically on a location eg Koh Tao.

I'm not fussed about that particular thread, but I am planning a trip and basing (so far) one of my destinations based on posts made in this forum. I'd hate to think that there was information I could have had about a particular operator but didn't get due to, well, censorship.

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