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Does anyone have a suggestion for software to use with an olyumpus 3040. I see microsoft has a new program for digital cameras. I am not the brightest light when it comes to computers so I need to keep it simple.
I've used several and the best so far has been Photoshop Elements 2. It does the majority of stuff the big Photoshop 7 program does except for the graphic printing features and a few fancier tools.

Elements is very easy and there are several books/CD's as well as tutorials online to learn to use it.

Retail is $99 but I recently saw it on for $79 and some computer chains like Best Buy and Comp USA frequently have coupons. A few months ago with coupons and rebates, a friend paid only $39 for his!
I'm a die hard Paint Shop Pro fan.
Adobe makes good software - never used Elements but I've used photoshop, although not very well, and it has a lot of power for image manipulation. Again not sure if Elements has the same filters, and level's of detail photoshop can get into. Mind you this does make the learning curve larger. Stay away from the microsoft ones, I haven't seen their newest one but in general they are really simplistic with few options.
Paintshop pro has improved a LOT since their initial release...
If you use Linux or any flavour of Linux a program called GIMP is supposed to be very much like photoshop.
PS Elements has all the filters and most of the tools that PS7 has. Folks who have both have said it just doesn't have all the professional printing stuff in it.'s well worth the price. Especially when you see the $600+ pricetag for PS&!!!
Dee once bubbled...
PS Elements has all the filters and most of the tools that PS7 has. Folks who have both have said it just doesn't have all the professional printing stuff in it.
Not only the printing stuff, but yeah, in general Elements can do most of the stuff PS can. Where both excel is in retouching (clone stamp, healing brush (although I'm not sure if that's in Elements too)). Elements is easier to use and, as said, a lot cheaper. I used to be a Paint Shop Pro fan too, I still use it occasionally, but once you get used to PhotoShop you don't want to go back.
The healing brush is the one thing I keep hearing peole mention using that Elements does not have. There are some other things, too but as a rule, for the money, you can't beat it.

I've just ordered the book The Hidden Power of Photoshop Elements 2 by Richard Lynch. The CD with it has some add-on features that are close to PS7's, or supposed to be. I'm looking forward to getting it.

Richard Lynch, the author, has just joined Digital Diver forum and has offered to answer any questions we may have. Here's the website is Hidden Power of PS Elements 2

I have no connection with this book other than as an eager user.
healing brush rules! its the clone tool on steroids.

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