Difference b/w Atom 1.0 and 2.0

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Scuba Instructor
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Tampa Bay, FL
# of dives
200 - 499
What are the key differences between the Atom 1.0 and 2.0?

Are the issues resolved with the 2.0 outside the serial number ranges affected by the recall?

I don't want to drop a paycheck on a new computer and have to ship it out or rent a computer for the weekend...

Thanks in advance...
What are the key differences between the Atom 1.0 and 2.0?

Atom 2.0 has some functions that the first Atom did not.

From http://www.oceanicworldwide.com/p_computers_atom20_details.html

Buddy Pressure Check

Transmitters may be programmed for "SELF" or "BUD" for Buddy - when programmed for "BUD" - the ATOM 2.0 will search for and display pressure for transmitters that are within range (4-6 feet).

Advanced Free Dive Mode

The ATOM 2.0 provides accurate depth and time with an amazing 1-second sampling rate for subsequent PC download and analysis. Dive Time is displayed in seconds and minutes. Custom audible alarms include Elapsed Dive Time, Countdown Timer and (3) Independent Max Depth Alarms. The ATOM 2.0 is the first Free Diving Computer to calculate and track Nitrogen Tissue Loading, allowing you to switch between SCUBA dives and Free Dives on the same dive day.
Here is the complete list:

1. Updated cosmetic design with polished stainless steel retaining ring
2. Mineral Glass Lens
3. Cylinder pressure on the main surface and u/w displays
4. Buddy Pressure CheckTM allows monitoring of up to two “buddy” transmitters
5. Air Time Remaining estimate (in 10 minute increments) displayed on the primary screen, in addition to Dive Time Remaining (the lesser of no deco time, air time or O2 loading limitations)
6. Bolder, larger digits
7. Dedicated Free Dive Mode allows switching between SCUBA and Free Diving during the same dive period and features dive time in min:sec, 1-second sampling rate, an automatic 30-second elapsed dive time alarm, countdown timer and 3 independent maximum depth alarms
8. 512 Download Memory Capacity – double that of the ATOM 1.0
9. Increased battery life

"4. Buddy Pressure CheckTM allows monitoring of up to two “buddy” transmitters"

Sorry to hijack this thread but what's to prevent the Atom 1.0 from reporting a buddies air pressure? The Atom 1.0 can be linked to up to three transmitters and my understanding is that simply pressing the select button while in dive mode will cycle through each available transmitter reporting the pressure in the appropriate linked tank.

The Atom 1.0 assumes you are the diver using all 3 trasmitters, so it will make nitrogen loading calculations with that assumption in mind; whereas the buddy check feature still uses your own transmitter for that and just displays a buddy tank readout.
If your 3 gases are set up to the same mix as your primary, calculations will not be affected by performing this on the ATOM 1.0 as described above. Pressure may be checked on remote transmitters with the 1.0, however, it is done via the gas switch routine which is more complicated than the Buddy Pressure Check process.

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