Diamond Clear and Feels as Hard as Steel

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Blair Mott

Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Santa Barbara , California
Diamond Clear and Feels as Hard as Steel

NEW! IBC, Individual Blade Control The unique and popular Force Wings, technology available exclusively from Force Fin, are now offered in a new material: This new material feels as hard as steel and is 95% transparent, with new colors, including Diamond Clear, Amber Yellow, Sapphire Blue, Smoke Black, Emerald Green, Ruby Red and Amethyst Purple. force_wings

Circa 1993, when Bob Evans was working on the original Force Wing technology, he consulted with the legendary diving equipment guru, Bob Kirby, who happens also to be a bit of an expert on aerodynamics as well. Bob Evans favored introduction of Force Wings in a soft durometer, or flexible. When flexible, each fin attachment skulls the water as is the case with Bat Wings. Bob Kirby favored rigid Force Wings. You might say that Force FinÃÔ release of high durometer, Whiskers, Speed Pods and Sharks Teeth are a tribute to Bob Kirby.

Diamond Clear Force Wings: Force Fin

The six Force Fin Models Extra, Excellerating, Adjustable, Beaver, Rip Force and Multi Force Fins - and the Force Wingsto which they attach have a geared surface. This forces the Wings to lock into a selected position, but they can be turned with a twist of the wrist while you're underwater and underway to give you independent and individual Fin Blade Control. IBC allows you to manage the water flow behind your fin blade and gives you varied control of power and speed, while increasing tracking, stability and maneuverability. Also available is a Launch Pad Kit that allows you to retro fit and turbo charge a wide variety of fins not made by or procured from Force Fin.

Visually compelling and an incredible complement to your fins function. Each is designed to offer a perfect balance between functional control and responsiveness to the flow of water. Adjustments and improvements in power, speed and tracking can be made to fit your diving situation as it varies.

We are increasing Fin technology and we look so good at the same time!
I thought you were talking about the 18 year old me!
Now I must take out my Whiskers and try these bad boys out.
I am very intrigued!

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