Desert Diver in Albuqeurque

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Abq, NM
I haven't tried it in the sand. (diving that is) I'll bet it be hard on the regulator!)

Found this forum by complete accident, and think it's great. Yes, it's dry here, but you can dive year round. We can also sail, and play golf all year as well. Can't ski all year, but in the winter ( Can't ski in Colorado all year either!), if you were the ambitious type, it s phsysically possible to ski in the morning , have lunch and in twenty minutes, be on a golf course, quite possibly in a T-shirt.

Working toward a Master Diver Rating (PADI). Should be complete by Mar '03. Looking for anyone else from the area to participate in diving the state has to offer.

Everyone in the family is certified

Also like to race my sailboat, and flyfish.

Looking for others in the area with similar interests

A bad day of (please select any or all) diving, flyfishing, sailing is better than the best day of work
welcome ,I'm not too far away from you, north of amarillo texas.I dive in New Mexico frequently.
chris joens
welcome to the board raybo:)

We have a spring fed sinkhole that is about 85' deep in Santa Rosa NM. Usually good visibility. Divers from Texas, Colorado, Kansas & Oklahoma and New Mexico go there for their O/W dives throughout the winter. It's not very big, but a good place to stay up on skills.

We have mostly been resort/vacation divers, but last fall the sail club that I belong to needed some underwater repair work done on our marina. I got my drysuit certification. This is a lake at about 7500 ft elevation in northern NM. Water temp rarely above 60 deg F. (15 C.) Not real warm. Visibility was zero. But we got what we needed to get done. We are in the midst of a multi year drough & all our resrvoirs are very depleted. We had to move the anchor lines for the marina to a more appropriate spot. It's usually in 40-50 ft (12-15m) of water, but it's now down to about 12 ft (3.5 m) Much more of a water level drop, and the superstructure will be on the bottom.

There are a few other lakes and resrvoirs. Mostly it's for fairly hard core divers. Altitude, cold water, usually low visibilty.

I joined this forum in hopes of stumbling across someone close to buddy with. Been looking fo a couple of months without much luck, so I bought a 3mm Drysuit that should fit both my wife & 15 year old daughter for Christmas. Hoping that one of them will become a little moer involved. Most likely my daughter.

Looking to go to San Carlos Mexico in the spring, and probably somewhere off the California coast as well. We'v emade several trips to the Caribbean, and although the warm clear water is really nice, I have a freind in Phoenix that says th marine life along the pacific coast is completely different. It's also a lot closer, and so we can go more trips with less duration. Long weekends.

I see you're from Isreal. Hear the Red Sea is an incredible diving location. Had a freind that was in the mideast for work and got the chance.
raybo once bubbled...
Also like to race my sailboat, and flyfish.

Looking for others in the area with similar interests


Too bad I'm not even close, also into sailing (not a lot of racing, very little opportunity where we sail) as well as diving. Fishing is OK, haven't tried flyfishing yet.

But welcome to the Best Scuba Resource on the net.

do people dive Elephant Butte reservoir? That was the only body of water for 250 miles when I lived in the desert SW.

The vis must be measured in inches...
I haven't been down there since srpring. I race a sail boat, and ususally do get down in the spring & fall, but I've had the boat home refitting it.

We're in the midst of a multi year drought, and the water is way down. That contributes to a bit of concentration of agricutlural runoff from above whichahs created a fairly significant algae bloom this year.

I wasn't diving locally then, but two years ago, when the lake was full, you could see bottom in 15-20 feet of water.

I've hear that the diving arond what we call the "dinosaur" is interesting. It's a long rock formation that the fish congregate on quite a bit. Will have to wait for a good snow year in the mountains

Haven't been there yet, but Conchas Res is purported t have a sand bottom & reasonable vis, couple of smaller lakes around, and next year, I 'm going to start checking out the mountain lakes. They're usally clear (reasonably)
Welcome to the boards from a fellow Albuquerquean. I haven't tried that much around here but Blue Hole. Hoping to try out Navajo lake maybe later on in the summer. Was that your "northern NM" location? If so, sounds bad. I haven't been up there for a few years so the drought may have affected the area more than I know.

Give me a buzz, another buddy would be great. I'm not as experienced as you but learning more all the time.
Your not interested in DIR are you?

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