DEPP and my camera

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Manila, San Francisco, Boston
# of dives
200 - 499
I know some of you who had problems with equipment and reported to DEPP got quick resolutions. I was wondering how quick? My cameras got stolen from me last week of May. Thats almost a month ago, and I am still going back and forth with DEPP. I already gave them police reports and whatever but the guy in charge of approving/declining claims does not work IN depp..he told the DEPP woman to tell me that he mailed me MORE paperwork to fill out last tuesday. He didnt say regarding what. From Kentucky. Im in boston and today is Monday and the mailman came and went and I still dont have paperwork. Its been almost a month withouth my precious cameras and I still dont have jack ****, its damn annoying. . If anyone hears me, reply!!
This is NOT legal advice do not rely on it as such as no responsibility will be accepted for any error or omission in my post. This is simply what I would do in similar circumstances.

Tell your insurer that you are not satisfied that the person handling your claim is doing so in good faith. Explain again that that they have had almost 4 weeks to assess your claim, which is more than a reasonable period of time. Then:

1. Request a new person be assigned to assess your claim;

2. Inform your insurer that if, at the end of 7 days, they have not approved your claim you will consider that to be a declination of you claim under the policy of insurance; and

3. The inform your insurer that you reserve the right to commence legal proceedings against the insurer for recovery of your loss together with associated legal costs and damages without further notice to them.

Then read your policy and see what jurisdiction is required by the contract. Find that jurisdiction and issues a claim in the apropriate court (likely to be a special small claims jurisdiction)
I've had several claims with DEPP and always had them resolved quickly but none has ever been stolen equipment.

I agree with My-way....tell DEPP that you are not happy with their 3rd party who is assessing your claim. 4 weeks is long enough. If he needs more paperwork, why can't he fax them to you? There are better ways than the US Mail nowadays!

All my dealing have been taken care of with emails and faxes.
ok so I dug up my old post. today is october 10. almost half a year has gone by but do i have ANY replacement whatsoever? NO!!! I've already moved to a different country and still no cameras. I call DEPP 3x a week. Sometimes someone answers, other times none. I bombard them with email that they never reply to. I told the woman there (i think its a one-person operation!) that this was taking way too long. she said it was out of her hands, and they only have 1 claims company (IPG). His name is Deane Lermitt and he never answers his phone either. I leave voicemails that he never returns cuz i leave him an overseas phone number. He doesnt email either, even if i left my email address. Anyways, I found out they ordered a replacement cam from ADORAMA 2 days ago. DEPP said that the Sony was back-ordered and thats all they are waiting for to ship... They gave me the order number, and I had to waste more long distance calls to Adorama, (cuz if i wait for depp to call me back i know it wont happen) . Adorama says they are back-ordered of the OLYMPUS (not sony!!!) and will ship it to me ASAP. Then they say they cannot ship to Philippines! (which is where i live. depp is worldwide). Thats crazy!! Obviously, DEPP didnt order the sony yet!! or they are confused with themselves! NUTJOBS!! So i said.. ****!! Ship it to my friends house in california. They dont know when that will happen cuz its out of stock. WHy does DEPP order from a store that is out of stock? And.. thats only ONE camera. (my camera case got stolen which had 2 cams in it) the other one is still *UNKNOWN* ..did they order it from a different store? it was a P7. DEPP said they are replacing it with a P10 which is a higher model since P7 is obsolete now. Where the hell is it? by the time I get it, the P10 will be obsolete! i also asked about my compact flash card in the camera. they never answered. are they gonna replace that too? They took 3 months to "investigate" that i didnt have any other insurance (asked for landlord info cuz i was a renter, etc..) what a pain!!! They are the most incompetent company i have ever dealt with! They say they mail me paperwork, but i never get it. They wait 2-3 weeks before they "re-send" it. They don't fax. One time i got a letter from them that said "pls mail a copy of the police report to this address..." and the address was WRONG (the zipcode or PO box num was backwards) so i had to mail it AGAIN. i think i wasted more money on insurance premium, deductible, long distance phone calls, and personal time haggling with DEPP than if i went and bought new ones myself. I AM SOOOOO PISSED, ANNOYED, AND I HATE DEPP!!
thank you for listening, scubaboard!!!
Sounds like typical insurance company behavior if you ask me. They just make it such a pain in the arse to make a claim, that most people give up. I talked to an attorney who represents a certain unnamed insurance company located in central Illinois, and he readily admitted that their policy was to take everything to court since most people don't have the time or resources to take it to that extent. Nice. I feel your pain bro.
Your experience is so totally different than all my experiences with DEPP. I've had occasion to talk to DEPP in the last few months and they've always answered the phone or promptly returned my calls.

I hope things work out for you.
All my dealings with DEPP have been at a very professional level. I certainly hope things work out for you.

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