Dengue on rise in Bonaire predicted to rise more? Conflicting reports. 668 people known infected from Aug 2010 - Aug 2011. Some govt official says under control. Some mosq prevent co. says epidemic.
Self serving interests aside whats going on. Any unspun hard stats?
We were there Aug 2009 and Aug 2010, no problem.
I did get dengue in October 1991 in Bonaire - mosquitos were vampiric then. Wow, sickness was intense. Got over it pretty quickly tho but could not dive for rest of time there. This gives me immunity over that particular strain but leaves me vulnerable to the 3 other known strains - and at increased risk of hemorrhagic dengue from the other 3 strains because of prev infection. bummer.
I tuff enuff -I no worry about me but worry about my teen. We're booked to go in Aug 2012, but still time to cancel.
I love love love that little island.
google bonaire dengue 2012 (google translate if needed)
Self serving interests aside whats going on. Any unspun hard stats?
We were there Aug 2009 and Aug 2010, no problem.
I did get dengue in October 1991 in Bonaire - mosquitos were vampiric then. Wow, sickness was intense. Got over it pretty quickly tho but could not dive for rest of time there. This gives me immunity over that particular strain but leaves me vulnerable to the 3 other known strains - and at increased risk of hemorrhagic dengue from the other 3 strains because of prev infection. bummer.
I tuff enuff -I no worry about me but worry about my teen. We're booked to go in Aug 2012, but still time to cancel.
I love love love that little island.
google bonaire dengue 2012 (google translate if needed)