I solodive for many reasons, I have thousands of dives and well over half of them were solo. I can tell you that solo is safe, and you make it safe, and only you make it to the surface after every dive, when you are comfortable in doing so. I am hear to tell you that solo diving is just an avenue you go down in your diving experience. Ok so for instance this is me looking at the depth of this reef wall,
I do a summersault
and then proceed down the deep slope,I only breath in and blow out nose to equalize and stop mask squeeeze. I left my wife with our neice, and went to the bottom of this dive, the camera goes 134', then I will join them for the rest of the dive,
did either of them know what I was going to do, of course not. tis is where I joined back up with them.and we finished the dive, yea you want to know where we are diving right. Here is my father in law.
were on our second dive, the first is the oreitation dive you go on when you get to the island, the first one was in front of dive shop and we did not bring camera, we went to 140' there, seen a ray and sea turtle, there. Now we went on third dive, this is me leaving my wife,
and britt has camera. I come back and run into them down the reef a ways,
now of course this is all my wife can see,
when i drop to depth at a high rate of speed, I have a 2mm shortie, and 14 pd leadbelt.
Ok the next morn we went on a wreck dive, yea you know which one, here is julie and britt penetrating it.
if you dont, here is a better Idea of which wreck it is.
now we only hit 90' on that dive,View attachment 65891 but we had a long bottom time, scoping the whole wreck out.The second dive was at our private place where we stayed, no divers are allowed as that is the way it is, no mooring for boats either. Me taking off to the deep blue sea,View attachment 65898 now I feel like I can go on for the day.View attachment 65899 Now julie has run into deco on her computer,View attachment 65900 remember every computer runs a different deco obligation. and here is ray at our dock, to help out of the water.View attachment 65901
Solo diving is however you want to do it, take spearfishing, you really can not stick with someone a whole lot, you hunt alone, ya start out together,View attachment 65906 and split up as you see your prey.View attachment 65907 then you reunite at the boat, or surface, and go home to relaxView attachment 65908 View attachment 65909and get lunch goingView attachment 65910 on the grill or smoker.
Now you take photography, you gonna sit and watch someone take pics, that will get cold here in the puget sound.I have this dive buddy that has been diving for a century now, and does these Informative art photos,View attachment 65911 I decend with him, run in to him after I go for my deep narcosis fill. He has dove by himself all the time as he stays focussed on getting the perfect shot. he came and did a personal class for britt, the most I ever dove with him, and I actually went crabbing, while she did skills.View attachment 65913
Alright Alright, how did deep solo diving end my life, first of all alot of you solo on a dive somehow, and you get that peace of mind where you just can relax, and watch the sea life live, think of all the good things, nothing in this galaxy can match being down under all too yourself. 10 years ago taking pics was my thing with film, julie caught the tail end, we married underwater in maui, at ahihi cove, with molokini in the back ground, we married at dawn when the sun came up. Pic from vid of underwater vid.View attachment 65915 I met julie by teaching her how to dive a dry suit. a week later we dove a destroyer, the McKenzie, then GB Church, a freghter, stuart Island wall, british columbia, vancouver Island, we met jan 28th 2001, by march I had her in Italy doing cave dives, then some caves on the island of crete, in just over 2 months I have taken her on over 100 dives, deep, wreck, cavediving, reefs, extreme currents, we got pulled down in down currents, spun around in a swirl in seymour narrows with a sealion biting are bubbles, the anchor line from the inflatable wrapping around us. I knew she was my mermaid, we had so many close calls to death and she was calm and knew I could get her out of it, no matter what. we did the carribean and our dives were superior, to others on the boat. we show our divemaster cards, and we are first in the water, last out, after one dive, we are on our own, always come up to the back and grab ladder or when current up te anchor, and slide across the bottom of boat to the ladder. I never had any dive buddy that could ever compare to my mermaid. No matter how extreme the dive is she was right there.
Yea Yea Yea, how did it end your life. When in Italy we did a cave dive on this tiny Island, I am the one with rays boathouse.View attachment 65917 wear my arm touches the Island is the entrance of the cave. of course pierro is the italian, and troy on the end, air in one set of the bottles was shot, so pierro stayed at the boat, troy after we got through the cave hit bottom and silted us out, we were dead, that sonofabitch silted us out, I have a gps memory, I calmed, we had less than a third left, it was not going to settle, I spun julie and grabbed troy by his reg hose, neither struggled at all, just hung on till I found our way out. That would of been the last picture of me, if I did not stay calm and find the entrance, It was small and tight. open to a room, he stirred it up all the way through. I had a problem with that, next morning we had a argument and never really got along since. troy is my wifes brother.
When you dive with a group they need to be on top of there game, not just be a follower. solo diving is way easier, I never have to second guess, I can do any dive I want in this world and surface in delight. When my wife wanted to bring britt on a trip, I said no way she does not know how to dive, I told her than, I will not go, she is determind and I always forgive my mermaid, i also siad britt is you buddy and I do not want to take care of her. Well you know how that goes, she is good, yet when you take an open water student, take her on four dives after class, and she lives in south dakota, no diving for 9 months, all new gear, she is not one you want to dive with, after talking all confident, then she says I need to do an orientation dive, too late your getting on boat going to over 100' on a wreck , or your staying at the beach house, she went and did fine on the dive ,but the boat, ocean swells and the crowd, not familar on how to dive in these conditions, made her upset with me, and I was fine as julie was her buddy, I was solo, I jumped in as soon as we got to divesite and had at least 20 min longer dive than any one. as the days went on, britt got use to it. yet she was pissed at me for not babyin her, and julie was her buddy and they went through problems, yes I helped on any thing that went wrong down under, and we always were better than any divers on board, tito never worried once.
So now If you like solo or want to try solo, you have to take in mind of your family freinds, buddy's(diver freinds) that there is a thing that is like nothing you can Imagine, that makes your thought on solodiving more difficult, you just can't put your finger on it, but its there. Bottom time is another word for experience, when you have alot of bottomtime, you will grow into deep solodiving, there are very few of us in the world, yet lots of solodivers. If you read this up till hear and know you are interested in deep solo diving, then you know also it will be challenging. It will be more difficult for damn near all of you compared to me. My mermaid is my only family, I have no real freinds, just a couple dive buddy's her on the Island I live on. Now my mermaid has divorced me, for I solo dive all the time, she says when does the buying of dive gear stop, after cabo in june, julie went home to south dakota in july. I have not dove since aug 3, till just a week or so ago, cause if I did I would just keep going till I hit that place where all the pain you have goes away, yes oxygen tox, and me being able to go to great depths on air, and small bottles, I have been building this huge deck, thats what I was doing for weeks, looking at the water, all day long. The building inspector showed up and put a stop work order, on my project. Imagine that, you have to have a permit to build a deck twice the size of your house. I build skyscrapers for a living, this tiny deck scares them. I would like to take them 700' in the air and say look how chincy this is built, and look at the foundation that it is on. I have no fear with height or depth. But I am hear to tell you, you need to have your witts when you deep solodive. I took the plan up to the building dept, and through in my gear, stopped by a great shore dive and ran into my photo art buddy, we knuckled and went on our way.
this guy was out, and this guy was out,
I like how they try to blend in.
And these guys laying everywhere.
Deep Solo Diving ended my life, make the right decision, when you have family, and freinds involved, for now that I am by myself again in life, I have completly no fear of any depth, or how I dive, the other day I took a steel 63 to 210' it was an accident I cut a dungie loose from all the salmon lines collectrd on the wall, and knife fell out I chased it to the bottom, relized I was deep, headeed up fast at a hundred feet when it was light enough to see good, shot a cabby, no time to put on stringer, popped up in the middle of trolling salmon boats, they whined a little, I lifted my catch out of the water and said wheres yours, good thing it was slack so I could make it to my boat without doffin my gear and pickin it up later. so only time will tell when deep solo diving will end my life completly.
Happy Diving

Ok the next morn we went on a wreck dive, yea you know which one, here is julie and britt penetrating it.

Solo diving is however you want to do it, take spearfishing, you really can not stick with someone a whole lot, you hunt alone, ya start out together,View attachment 65906 and split up as you see your prey.View attachment 65907 then you reunite at the boat, or surface, and go home to relaxView attachment 65908 View attachment 65909and get lunch goingView attachment 65910 on the grill or smoker.
Now you take photography, you gonna sit and watch someone take pics, that will get cold here in the puget sound.I have this dive buddy that has been diving for a century now, and does these Informative art photos,View attachment 65911 I decend with him, run in to him after I go for my deep narcosis fill. He has dove by himself all the time as he stays focussed on getting the perfect shot. he came and did a personal class for britt, the most I ever dove with him, and I actually went crabbing, while she did skills.View attachment 65913
Alright Alright, how did deep solo diving end my life, first of all alot of you solo on a dive somehow, and you get that peace of mind where you just can relax, and watch the sea life live, think of all the good things, nothing in this galaxy can match being down under all too yourself. 10 years ago taking pics was my thing with film, julie caught the tail end, we married underwater in maui, at ahihi cove, with molokini in the back ground, we married at dawn when the sun came up. Pic from vid of underwater vid.View attachment 65915 I met julie by teaching her how to dive a dry suit. a week later we dove a destroyer, the McKenzie, then GB Church, a freghter, stuart Island wall, british columbia, vancouver Island, we met jan 28th 2001, by march I had her in Italy doing cave dives, then some caves on the island of crete, in just over 2 months I have taken her on over 100 dives, deep, wreck, cavediving, reefs, extreme currents, we got pulled down in down currents, spun around in a swirl in seymour narrows with a sealion biting are bubbles, the anchor line from the inflatable wrapping around us. I knew she was my mermaid, we had so many close calls to death and she was calm and knew I could get her out of it, no matter what. we did the carribean and our dives were superior, to others on the boat. we show our divemaster cards, and we are first in the water, last out, after one dive, we are on our own, always come up to the back and grab ladder or when current up te anchor, and slide across the bottom of boat to the ladder. I never had any dive buddy that could ever compare to my mermaid. No matter how extreme the dive is she was right there.
Yea Yea Yea, how did it end your life. When in Italy we did a cave dive on this tiny Island, I am the one with rays boathouse.View attachment 65917 wear my arm touches the Island is the entrance of the cave. of course pierro is the italian, and troy on the end, air in one set of the bottles was shot, so pierro stayed at the boat, troy after we got through the cave hit bottom and silted us out, we were dead, that sonofabitch silted us out, I have a gps memory, I calmed, we had less than a third left, it was not going to settle, I spun julie and grabbed troy by his reg hose, neither struggled at all, just hung on till I found our way out. That would of been the last picture of me, if I did not stay calm and find the entrance, It was small and tight. open to a room, he stirred it up all the way through. I had a problem with that, next morning we had a argument and never really got along since. troy is my wifes brother.
When you dive with a group they need to be on top of there game, not just be a follower. solo diving is way easier, I never have to second guess, I can do any dive I want in this world and surface in delight. When my wife wanted to bring britt on a trip, I said no way she does not know how to dive, I told her than, I will not go, she is determind and I always forgive my mermaid, i also siad britt is you buddy and I do not want to take care of her. Well you know how that goes, she is good, yet when you take an open water student, take her on four dives after class, and she lives in south dakota, no diving for 9 months, all new gear, she is not one you want to dive with, after talking all confident, then she says I need to do an orientation dive, too late your getting on boat going to over 100' on a wreck , or your staying at the beach house, she went and did fine on the dive ,but the boat, ocean swells and the crowd, not familar on how to dive in these conditions, made her upset with me, and I was fine as julie was her buddy, I was solo, I jumped in as soon as we got to divesite and had at least 20 min longer dive than any one. as the days went on, britt got use to it. yet she was pissed at me for not babyin her, and julie was her buddy and they went through problems, yes I helped on any thing that went wrong down under, and we always were better than any divers on board, tito never worried once.
So now If you like solo or want to try solo, you have to take in mind of your family freinds, buddy's(diver freinds) that there is a thing that is like nothing you can Imagine, that makes your thought on solodiving more difficult, you just can't put your finger on it, but its there. Bottom time is another word for experience, when you have alot of bottomtime, you will grow into deep solodiving, there are very few of us in the world, yet lots of solodivers. If you read this up till hear and know you are interested in deep solo diving, then you know also it will be challenging. It will be more difficult for damn near all of you compared to me. My mermaid is my only family, I have no real freinds, just a couple dive buddy's her on the Island I live on. Now my mermaid has divorced me, for I solo dive all the time, she says when does the buying of dive gear stop, after cabo in june, julie went home to south dakota in july. I have not dove since aug 3, till just a week or so ago, cause if I did I would just keep going till I hit that place where all the pain you have goes away, yes oxygen tox, and me being able to go to great depths on air, and small bottles, I have been building this huge deck, thats what I was doing for weeks, looking at the water, all day long. The building inspector showed up and put a stop work order, on my project. Imagine that, you have to have a permit to build a deck twice the size of your house. I build skyscrapers for a living, this tiny deck scares them. I would like to take them 700' in the air and say look how chincy this is built, and look at the foundation that it is on. I have no fear with height or depth. But I am hear to tell you, you need to have your witts when you deep solodive. I took the plan up to the building dept, and through in my gear, stopped by a great shore dive and ran into my photo art buddy, we knuckled and went on our way.

Deep Solo Diving ended my life, make the right decision, when you have family, and freinds involved, for now that I am by myself again in life, I have completly no fear of any depth, or how I dive, the other day I took a steel 63 to 210' it was an accident I cut a dungie loose from all the salmon lines collectrd on the wall, and knife fell out I chased it to the bottom, relized I was deep, headeed up fast at a hundred feet when it was light enough to see good, shot a cabby, no time to put on stringer, popped up in the middle of trolling salmon boats, they whined a little, I lifted my catch out of the water and said wheres yours, good thing it was slack so I could make it to my boat without doffin my gear and pickin it up later. so only time will tell when deep solo diving will end my life completly.
Happy Diving
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