Just recently I bought a new cell phone - my old one was old - still a remainder from the past century Was browsing around to see if there exists decompression software for my new phone but did not find any.
Asking my trimix instructor last week he pointed me to www.jdeco.de, a nice program for all mobile stuff out there that is able to run JAVA applications. He mentioned that it gives the same decompression tables as GAP 1.2 and that in his dive team they now leave their laptops at home and bring just their phones.
Will be cool not to have to bring my laptop or Palm Pilot every time I go diving
Marc Waldmann
Asking my trimix instructor last week he pointed me to www.jdeco.de, a nice program for all mobile stuff out there that is able to run JAVA applications. He mentioned that it gives the same decompression tables as GAP 1.2 and that in his dive team they now leave their laptops at home and bring just their phones.
Will be cool not to have to bring my laptop or Palm Pilot every time I go diving
Marc Waldmann