Deco Reg

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200 - 499
Not looking to spend a arm and leg. Probably want to keep in under or around 150. Let me know if you have anything.
Leisure Pro has the OMS for about $145
Just a word of advice, I to went the "trying to keep it under 150" route when I bought my first deco reg. Now, for the majority of the dives where I am using Deco Reg's, I spend more time on the Deco regs than I do on my backgas regs. Just something to think about. I gringe everytime I hop off a Back gas reg and Start breathing from one of those "$150" jobs....
you can purchase brand new O2 regs for $250...DiveRite has one (I own it and it's fine), AquaLung, and a few others. If you purchase used, it should be serviced and O2 cleaned. So, that's $50 if you find a CHEAP shop and they do it...not worth the difference.
The OMS Workhorse is available for under $200.
I plan on doing a rebuild no matter what reg i get unless it's new. I work at a dive shop and know my way around regs. If I can find a z2 I'll use one of my M1's as my deco reg. But for now I'm fine with one of the regs for about 150.

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