Hi there
So I've been researching doing my IDC in either Thailand or Indonesia as I'll be knocking around those countries early next year. The hope is to then work as an Instructor for the season and beyond that I have no plans. I am aware I will not get rich. I just plan to travel and work for the next couple of years. I am a complete nomad and happy to go wherever the winds take me.
A friend of mine suggested that an IDC from Indonesia might carry more weight than from Thailand although more expesive. Would you agree with this? Another friend suggested the Gili Islands which I love anyway. A big consideration is cost. I was not born with a silver spoon, or a mummy and daddy who can afford to pay for my travelling adventures. So I have worked hard in hospitality and sought opportunities to do cheap diving on my travels. I've logged around 120 dives and recently finished my DM in Australia. Doing my IDC will soak up the last of my money so it's a big decision for me.
Does anyone have any suggestions about centres in Indonesia or Thailand. Also a lot of the training packages suggest adding on MSDT. Should I try and scrape together the money to do this or would instructor level be something I should aim for initially and get to MSDT somewhere down the line. Any advice would be wonderful....oh, and if there are any rich benefactors out there looking to throw a few grand to a good cause, that would also be welcome
So I've been researching doing my IDC in either Thailand or Indonesia as I'll be knocking around those countries early next year. The hope is to then work as an Instructor for the season and beyond that I have no plans. I am aware I will not get rich. I just plan to travel and work for the next couple of years. I am a complete nomad and happy to go wherever the winds take me.
A friend of mine suggested that an IDC from Indonesia might carry more weight than from Thailand although more expesive. Would you agree with this? Another friend suggested the Gili Islands which I love anyway. A big consideration is cost. I was not born with a silver spoon, or a mummy and daddy who can afford to pay for my travelling adventures. So I have worked hard in hospitality and sought opportunities to do cheap diving on my travels. I've logged around 120 dives and recently finished my DM in Australia. Doing my IDC will soak up the last of my money so it's a big decision for me.
Does anyone have any suggestions about centres in Indonesia or Thailand. Also a lot of the training packages suggest adding on MSDT. Should I try and scrape together the money to do this or would instructor level be something I should aim for initially and get to MSDT somewhere down the line. Any advice would be wonderful....oh, and if there are any rich benefactors out there looking to throw a few grand to a good cause, that would also be welcome