Decided on Big Corn Island - 2-10 April

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Reaction score
Hampton Roads, VA
# of dives
0 - 24
After much research on the more affordable interesting dive locations, I've decided on Big Corn Island. I've been curious about it for some time. So here goes!
We'll be bringing three teen/young adults, so they'll want to party a bit, and troll for b-o-y-s.
My husband's kind of over the scuba thing, so we'll be looking for dives that also afford him some enjoyment snorkling or just enjoying the view. He also loves just driving a boat. And my youngest (15) enjoys fishing, and is a very good aspiring chef.
I'd love to hear advice from others who are familiar with the Corn Islands. As the Mommy, I'd also appreciate any packing/preparation advice. Do I need to prepare for bugs?
We already know not to let teenage girls out of our sight!


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