Dec. 21, 2009 Neck Point (Nanaimo) photos

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Yes, with my Bare fleece undergarment (I call it my snowmobile suit) I use 32-34lb's but by layering thinner undergarments this year I have gotten down to 28lb's (current). I'm going to see if I can make it through the winter without using the snosuit. Fortunately/unfortunately I have more "bioprene" than I really want. My first dives with a Bare Arctic wetsuit saw me using 42lb's.
How do you like the Fusion? I have always thought I had a thin drysuit (Bare ATR light) but those are very thin. I imagine they may be more streamlined than the usual human ziploc sandwich bag.
How do you like the Fusion? I have always thought I had a thin drysuit (Bare ATR light) but those are very thin. I imagine they may be more streamlined than the usual human ziploc sandwich bag.

Here's a link to another post regarding my Fusion:
Admittedly, some of these complaints could apply to any shell suit, not just the Fusion.
I wear a Fusion with a Tech Skin and when I wore my Whites MK3 undergarment, I needed 42lbs. I am wearing Fourth Element Arctic Udergarments now and I dive with 26lbs! The fourth Element stuff also keeps me very warm. I recommend you check it out.

Yikes. I think it was Todd (Bradnerboy) who also had problems with not reaching his dump valve (could be wrong but it was someone I dove with recently). It certainly is a different looking suit. I would be in big trouble if my suit had no knee pads. I often kneel in the surf zone to take my fins off (my feet totally suck into my Jets). Perhaps it is more a suit designed for charter diving.
I wear a Fusion with a Tech Skin and when I wore my Whites MK3 undergarment, I needed 42lbs. I am wearing Fourth Element Arctic Udergarments now and I dive with 26lbs! The fourth Element stuff also keeps me very warm. I recommend you check it out.


I'm in the market for a new undersuit. Did you buy yours locally?
My kids bought them for me in Bellingham. I understand some stores in the Lower Mainland are going to be carrying Fourth Element gear in the near future. I ordered the Fourth Element Arctic Socks on-line (love them) through Ebay.

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