Dead Brand New Atom 2

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Reaction score
San Dimas, CA
# of dives
200 - 499
My wife and I purchased two of the Atom 2's last weekend, and got to try them out yesterday.

Hers worked just fine, but mine started acting funny as soon as I hit the water (we were doing one of our Pool Dives for our PADI OW certification) and didn't get any deeper than 3ft. It started blinking in and out and finally just went blank.

When I got out of the water I noticed condensation under the lense, so I'm assuming it wasn't sealed and water got inside.

I called the store where I got it (I won't name names) and asked if I could possibly get an exchange as I will need it this weekend for my class (we'll be doing a beach dive). They said they offer the full manufacturer's warranty, and (depending on what they think when I get it in the store) I might just need to go through Oceanic to either have it repaired or replaced, which means I'll have to rent a Dive Computer for this weekend.

The frustration is, that aside from reading the manual and installing the software on my PC I haven't done anything with this Dive Computer.

Aaarrrghh... Anyways, I'm just frustrated and needed to vent...
PM Sent! Thank you so much Doug! :D
Doug Krause:
PM me with the name of the dealer that you purchased from. As it's 5:30 on Thursday, I can't guarantee anything until contacting the dealer, but we'll get a replacement on your wrist for the weekend if at all possible.



My wife just bought an Aeris Epic. After reading your response to the original posters problem, I don't mind having spent the amount of money that it cost.

More companies should be like yours.

Doug will take care of you..Im surprised your shop didnt just swap it out and send it back to Oceanic...they would have taken care of and had your in time to dive.....Oh well....SUPER DOUG to the rescue :D

Tell Manson the Moonshine is brewing :wink:
I had an Oceanic Data Plus that got condensation in it long after the warranty had expired. Sent it back for repair, expecting to get a bill for the work.
Just a fixed computer and no bill at all.
It doesn't get any better than that.
(It's still working)
Being able to deal with Scubatoys, Doug, Darrell, etc. is why I own VersaPro, VTPro, Atom 2, Regs & gauges. Good people, good company.
After reading your response to the original posters problem, I don't mind having spent the amount of money that it cost.

I could not agree more. Dive equipment is expensive, and my wife and I have invested a lot. Based on the response I got from Doug and Oceanic I can say with confidence that when I am looking for that next piece of equipment (and as new divers, I'm sure there will be lots of new pieces of equipment in the future) I'll be shopping Oceanic.

Thank you again Doug!
Yea, that would be a swap out in our book... easy... and it makes it a lot easier to provide good service to customers when we get it from our vendors. Aeris / Oceanic is one that has always treated us great... ever since I got those pictures of Dan in Miami during dema X.... Oh... I digress...

I'll never forget the time I walked into Joe's office, he was talking to a vendor about a problem much like you had... something broke down on the first dive, he replaced it without question for the customer and was calling to get a return authorization. They made a mistake... Said we shouldn't have replace it, needed to be examined at their factory... they got testy with Joe... Bad move.

See, for those of you who haven't met Joe... He's kinda' a big guy... 6'8" 275+.. He's not too used to having anyone argue with him.

He very calmly said, "Ok, at this point you have 2 choices... you can give me a return authorization for this one product... or you can give me one for $417,459 worth of your products in our store right now... and cancel all our future orders... you pick." It got replaced.

But it is much nicer dealer with vendors who get customer service so we don't have to train them!
Yea, that would be a swap out in our book... easy... and it makes it a lot easier to provide good service to customers when we get it from our vendors. Aeris / Oceanic is one that has always treated us great... ever since I got those pictures of Dan in Miami during dema X.... Oh... I digress...

He very calmly said, "Ok, at this point you have 2 choices... you can give me a return authorization for this one product... or you can give me one for $417,459 worth of your products in our store right now... and cancel all our future orders... you pick." It got replaced.

So, I got the computers from Joe... I am sure that it will make my life easy if I have the same problem in future. :D

One word is enough always from Joe.

"We wll take care of it" No hassle and no excuse....

It sounds like "Dive Right In Scuba" is on the same page....

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