DC800 - Auto Flash Out of Whack

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Buffalo Grove, IL
# of dives
100 - 199
Hi guys,

I have had my DC800 MAXX (dual strobe) for a couple years now. Pics were never great. Now the auto flash seems to he "off". Here are a couple examples. First pics camera is set to external flash auto. Then switched over to manual and played with the flash adjustment until the pic came out.




This one I turned the flash off completely.




I think you get the idea. Any suggestions? I have tried spreading apart the strobes, not pointing them directly at subject, turning one off...just doesn't matter. I'm ready to throw this thing in the lake. I have had nothing but problems with this...busted strobe, broken base. SeaLife always came through when needed. But right now, my frustration level is off the charts. By the way, surface pics with or without the strobes turn out great.

Also, none of these have been edited or color adjusted by any software.

Thanks for the help.
The problem is probably the water.
Since it's murky you get a lot of back scatter.
Try orientating the flash so the light points down on the subject.
Also try not to point the flash directly on the subject. Sometimes that helps
Forget about leaving the flash unit on auto, but instead turn the dial to what ever setting works.
While the camera does have an auto feature, it can never detect the consistency of the water. It can only detect the light availability.

The best pictures by professionals are made without auto programs in cameras. ;P

Also a flash diffuser may help. I say may because I have yet to try one myself. I just got one in the mail but I have yet to try it out.

Also for the last picture, were you using macro settings?
If not then try using it for close ups, it should dim the flash a bit if you decide to stick with auto..
Normally, I would agree with you on the scatter. However, those bright flashes are off the subject...not scatter. That torpedo looking thing was at 35 ft. The alligator maybe 20 ft. I don't think macro setting would work on the last pic. I was at least 5-7 ft away. What I may need to try is infinite focus and see what happens, or like you said, do everything manual (or difuser) and see what happens. Hopefully what I'm taking a pic of won't swim away before I get it.
I wish you luck

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