The DA/RAM can be assembled in most any order but I do have a preference. I first assemble the HP stage setting it aside, then install the HP diaphragm, spring, spring pad and adjustment screw (just barely in a turn or 2). I hold the HP nozzle upside down, install the pin, pinpad and gasket, keeping it upside down, put it into the yoke and finally the main body is screwed on. Once the body is finger snug, you can turn it upright and finish tightening it. I don't recommend putting the gasket inside the body, it tends to get crocked and not seal. Depending on the gasket you are using, torque varies. The white nylon ones does NOT require much torque and you can easily get them too tight and damage them. Conversely, the brown phenolic ones need a good bit of torque but they are very unforgiving, they are brittle and will break easily if you get them crocked.
Typically, the HPR is screwed all the way in finger tight then turned out until the first large hole is pointed down the supply horn. Do you have the 2 washers correctly installed? One should be below the lever and the other above it.