cruise ships

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Grand Junction, Co
# of dives
25 - 49
I am looking for a company not aligned with the cruise ships. The shore excursions are very hectic and overpriced. Anyone have any info on good independent PADI dive shops who accommodate cruise passengers. :14:
There are many dive ops who accomodate cruise passengers that are affiliated with PADI. If your dive destinations were known I am certain that there many on here who could give you recomendations.
You don't say where you're talking about. Certainly here in Belize the cruise ships operate to a tight schedule, apparently aimed at keeping them outside territorial waters for as long as possible (where their very profitable casinos can operate).

Timing will be quite tight for any independent excursion, but achievable. What you won't get if you do it yourself will be any guarantee that you'll get back to your ship before departure. Delays can occur in the most carefully planned schedules, and the ship won't wait for you.

The rest I have to say is specific to Belize so I won't add it unless asked.

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