Cruise Dive Options/Suggestions

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My husband and I are going on our first cruise in a few weeks. The itinerary includes Roatan (8-5), Belize (1-6) and Coz (1-6). My dh dives, has only had experience doing a weeks worth at Pennekamp over a year ago. (I don't go below the surface myself- Dive Dropout :( )
He wants to dive as a part of the cruise. He'd prefer Coz since that's been a desire he's had since he got certified. Any ideas of suggestions as to planning so that he can get a couple of decent dives out of this trip?
What cruise line? The cruise line may have an onboard operation that guarantees that you will make it back to the ship on time. Thats usually the safest bet if not necessarily the best diving experience. I have cruised to Belize, Roatan and Cozumel. I used the ship operation on Belize and Roatan and arranged my own diving with Aldora Divers in Cozumel. I highly recommend them. Their shop is right downtown next to the cruise ship dock and they are amenable to special requests. If he is diving by himself you may be able to arrange a charter for the two of you so you can go along as a bubble watcher and the two of you have your own boat. Let me know if I can be of any further assistance.

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