Omitted Decompression stage alarm
(im. 23)
If the decompression stage is missed by surfa-cing above the depth given by the computer,an alarm will sound and the down arrow of thedecompression icon will flash on the displayuntil the diver descends back to the properdepth or below it. In the opposite case, that iswhen the diver goes below under the stagedepth by a specific amount, an arrow flashes,indicating that it is necessary to go up. Thecomputer allows a maximum time of 2 minu-tes to correct this dangerous situation; duringthis time, the alarm will keep sounding. In theevent that the diver does not descend to theproper depth (after 2 minutes) Leonardo en-ters the ERROR PROGRAM. The STOP iconflashes and the instrument wont be usable forthe next 48 hours. The only functions working
[ will be Logbook and History. Later, in the PREDIVE screen the STOP icon, the DECO wri-ting and the stop icon with the up arrow flash.This means that the decompression stage hasbeen omitted during the last dive. The LOGBOOK will store the same warning, indicatingthat in a specific date the dive with a specificnumber has been carried out without the de-compression stage.
DANGER: Should this happen, youmust not dive for the next 48 hours. Inthe event that you feel any symptoms of de-compression sickness, you should contact theDAN (Divers Alert Network) and your localhyperbaric chamber centre, providing asmuch data as possible about the dive.