Crash Report

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Staff member
ScubaBoard Supporter
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Boca Raton, Florida
# of dives
2500 - 4999
Yeah we had a crash. It seems like all is ok right now. I had to repair a few tables (damn DNY'ers) we'll keep an eye on things... and those of you who know me... feel free to text me if there's problems, as I'm kind of working my other job and can't watch SB all day.
Thanks, H.

Was it more corrupted tables in the galleries?

Actually it was the attachment table that needed repair.... and then I rebuilt all of the tables just for safety. While it was doing that, the server was BUSY (which is why some people got an Error 404), and I turned off the site for a while while our 2GB POST table rebuilt. That alone took 11 minutes.
:confused: Wait, what?

You had tables that DNY corrupted by putting table dancers on them and the photos were in the gallery and . . . And now the attachments are needing repair?

Would it help if we eliminated smilies? :D
I hope you realise that as a result of this crash I actually had to do some work for a short period this morning. Please try to make sure that doesn't happen again.
Yeah we had a crash. It seems like all is ok right now. I had to repair a few tables (damn DNY'ers) we'll keep an eye on things... and those of you who know me... feel free to text me if there's problems, as I'm kind of working my other job and can't watch SB all day.


Let me clarify so I get no more PMs about this. It was not a table that DNYer loaded in the gallery. The DNYer reference came from a joke in another site support thread between H, NetDoc and me. :D
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