Cozumel with Aldora & BULL SHARK feeding Playa Del Carmen![/h]

I just returned from a week in Cozumel with my FAVORITE dive shop in ALL the world, ALDORA! I've been diving all over the world for over 30 years and every time(lost count) I return to Aldora it feels like coming home again. Dave & Memo have put together an operation that caters to real hardcore divers, by my third day my "bucket list" for Cozumel on this trip was already was already met. These was my first dives in about 3 years after getting my foot hit by a speeding boat's propeller in the Philippines on starting a descent. I can FINALLY get my foot back into a fin again. This trip was the best weather I ever had in Cozumel, calm seas, NO port closures & sunny sky's. At the end of six day's diving I'd done 14 dives including 2 night dives with bottom time of 16 1/2 hours of QUALITY time! I dove Maricaibo & Maricaibo Shallows twice, Punta Sur/Columbia multiple times and the BEST night dive I've EVER experienced after finding a large free swimming eel as it was just about to find a large blue tang that he decided was dinner, watching him strike on it the spend time TRYING to swallow it was a sight to behold, he finally got it all down! There are many good dives shops but IMHO NONE can hold a candle to the QUALITY, LONG & SAFE dives you get with Aldora, not to mention the fast boats, small groups of similarly experienced divers and the WARM jackets when needed or wanted!
After our stay on Cozumel my wife (non-diver) and I boarded the ferry to Playa Del Carmen, as we walked to the rental car shop we passed a large sign for DiveMike Bull Shark Feeding dive, their shop was right down the street from where we were headed. As my wife handled the rental car I took a walk to their shop for info on the dive. I was very impressed by their professionalism and by the time I left I was signed up for the dive the following day. The boat was to leave around noon but was told to be at the shop for an EXTENSIVE dive & safety briefing. After the longest briefing I'd ever been through (approx 40 min.) I had a very good feeling I'd picked the right shop for this dive. When we descended to the sandy bottom at 83 feet we were greeted by FIVE LARGE pregnant bull's all over 8 feet in length and a VERY big girth! I was also surprised that a large Southern Stingray showed up for scraps. The dive went off exactly as planed and it was SPECTACULAR!!!! I took many pic's/vids but also purchased the vid DM had shot.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpGjPlWrHXM (I'm the old bald guy in vid LOL) I'd highly recommend DiveMike in Playa Del Carmen for anyone interested in this dive or the other dive's offered by them such as Cenotes etc..

After our stay on Cozumel my wife (non-diver) and I boarded the ferry to Playa Del Carmen, as we walked to the rental car shop we passed a large sign for DiveMike Bull Shark Feeding dive, their shop was right down the street from where we were headed. As my wife handled the rental car I took a walk to their shop for info on the dive. I was very impressed by their professionalism and by the time I left I was signed up for the dive the following day. The boat was to leave around noon but was told to be at the shop for an EXTENSIVE dive & safety briefing. After the longest briefing I'd ever been through (approx 40 min.) I had a very good feeling I'd picked the right shop for this dive. When we descended to the sandy bottom at 83 feet we were greeted by FIVE LARGE pregnant bull's all over 8 feet in length and a VERY big girth! I was also surprised that a large Southern Stingray showed up for scraps. The dive went off exactly as planed and it was SPECTACULAR!!!! I took many pic's/vids but also purchased the vid DM had shot.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpGjPlWrHXM (I'm the old bald guy in vid LOL) I'd highly recommend DiveMike in Playa Del Carmen for anyone interested in this dive or the other dive's offered by them such as Cenotes etc..