Cozumel Trip- From Scared newbee to More Confident

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100 - 199
I just flew back from the Cozumel trip last night. It was wonderful.
We were delayed flying down and had to stay over in Houston. Got to Cozumel at mid-day and went out for 2 boat dives that first afternoon. Meanwhile, I was nervous - not sure my weighting was correct, we didn't have time for a shore dive to check things out, was I ready for this?, etc.
Everything went terrific. The 3mm wetsuit was a dream compared to the 6.5mm I use in the quarry. My Diva fit great, over the week of diving I was able to ditch over 5 pounds of weight.
I did 6 days of 2 boat dives each (took one day off because my left ear was bothering me). I did an early morning shore dive the day before we left. I saw so much - sea turtles (eight on one dive!), sharks, rays, lobster, crabs, morays, fish up the wazzo ( lots of splendid toadfish unique to Cozumel). The divemasters were great- I stayed close so I could see everything I could. The group I was diving with gave me great feedback about my form and streamlining.
All week long we were building up to the finale - diving Devil's Throat - a deep dive through caverns and tunnels. They thought they might need to split the group into different groups - a deeper dive group and a shallower group because of experience.
I kept working on getting better everyday- did the caverns, tried to follow the DM and use their style of kicks, etc. The currents were really ripping at several of the reefs and we sometimes had to swim into the current. I was able to keep up and see just about everything the DM and other divers spotted. I actually spotted one of the sharks, several turtle, plus other animals myself. I learned all the underwater signals for the common animals to try and communicate (screaming "Beautiful turtle" into your regulator doesn't work!). I am still trying to learn to Zen out at my 15' safety stop and just float there with fins crossed (hope it comes with time).
Anyway, I was able to dive Devil's Throat the last day. I kept doing the 'little engine that could saying' "I think I can, I think I can, I know I can, I know I can!". It was awesome!!!
I think I have graduated from insecure, uncoordinated newbee to more secure, still learning "mid"bee. I am not running with the big dogs yet but I am not the puppy on the porch anymore.
Thanks everyone for all your wisdom and encouragement! We are already planning a trip in the winter and perhaps going to Cozumel same time next year. Meanwhile, back to the quarry I go- but I live here and that is what we have to dive! :)
I highly recommend where we stayed- Scuba Club Cozumel. The DMs were great, boat captain and crew attentive, food was good, etc.
LOL, Diana,
I do that ALL THE TIME ("Cute little crab,") like they can understand bubblese. One time I inadvertantly ended a dive because I forgot that the leader had just shown us a signal for "End this dive now" which looks exactly like the sign my husband & I use to say, "Wouldn't you like to hug that fishee?"

Anyway, you sure accomplished a lot in a week. It's a confidence builder just to add 10-15 more entries to a thin log book. Glad you could articulate the excitement for us. I'd love to see the caverns! Keep up the great work (even if you just do it in the pool for the time being! Which is what I do during the winter storms.)
deignor, Sounds like a great time! I will be on Coz in 2 days and am a newbie too. I can't wait to do my first Ocean dive! The quarry is fun but I am looking forward to warm water and great vis!
I'm green with envy for you gals. My last trip to Coz was last September. Diana...everything I say underwater comes out Bmmooogle!

Luv2dive...have a great time! We'll be waiting for a report.
Hello Everyone,

Mr. Newbie to the board here. Any suggestions on the best folks to dive with at Cozumel? I'm trying to max out my dives so when I get to Cozumel with my Search & Rescue class under my belt - I will qualify for Master Diver.

This is my first time in a non-landlocked body of water! WooHoo!!!

I was thrilled to hear the great Cozumel report!

Peace and Bubbles,


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