Cozumel Photos ....

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I`ve been lurking for a while ... figured I should post something :0)
Great shots. Nice variety. Makes me wish it was Sept. 25th and I was on my way to STX.
I'm sure everyone would like to see your shark photos. I think that will be today's photo subject!
Nice collection of shots.........what camera setup do you use?

Very nice. I leave for Cozumel tomorrow. I'm extremely excited. It'll be my first Blue water dive. If my photo's come out 1/2 as good as your's, I'll be delighted!
kdietz - I shot with a Nik V - 15 and 20 mm lenses + a macro set up

use provia 100 color side film and a selection of black + white print film
I really like your pictures. Oh, to have that viz all the time.
Great shots. I was just in Cozumel a couple of weeks ago too.

Which hotel did you stay in, and which dive shop did you go with? We're thinking about another trip next year.

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