Just a few comments/thoughts because all of these questions have been covered over and over again...except for the Palm Tree question...and I like palm trees too
Also, see Gordon's thread "Cozumel Currently" for his most excellent assessment...others have chimed in as well. Diveborg posted some really good stuff about his recent trip as well...sorry, I'm too tired to do a search and find the links for you right now
Palm Trees:
Have you ever wondered why palm trees are so prevalent on islands and coastal areas? Well, I decided it's because they are tough resilient little buggers and can withstand strong winds, salty air, intense sun, etc. etc. That's my non-expert opinion
After Emily, alot of them were knocked over, but they propped them right back up and it was as if nothing ever happened to them. Wilma of course took more of a toll on them and we did lose many...but the palm trees along the main roads and waterfront were replaced almost immediately....with some cute baby palms which grow incredibly fast.
In general:
The island is already almost completely back to normal as discussed in numerous trip reports and by several of us locals. The only thing still really lacking are the bigger resorts, and regular flight schedules by some airlines and charter companies, and of course the busy flow of visitors that we typically have this time of year. Continental has of course stepped up to the plate and has been flying daily flights from Houston since Christmas. Beaches are slowly coming back...diving is remodeled but still great...and the people are happier to see you than ever.
Bubbles, thank you for the kind words about the island and the people...so very true...you can't keep Cozumel down for long! It's true that there are risks in living where we do...but NOTHING could have prepared us for Wilma...not even the experts predicted her to do what she did.
We had a bad year...double whammy with Emily and Wilma...but it's only made the island stronger and new and improved when it's all back up!
Jason...don't worry about "what if We WILL have another hurricane, it's just "when?" Prior to Emily, it had been 10 years (Roxanne, 1995 - Cat 3/4) prior to those 7 years (Gilbert, 1988 - Cat. 5)
Come on down and enjoy your trip and enjoy the SPIRIT and beauty of Cozumel...I promise you won't feel anything else like it