coz report

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Fort myers
I went to cozumel for the first time over thanksgiving.

stayed at the allegro resort in the south- OK resort, great for families. it was an all-inclusive- food was good - we are vegetarians and there was enough to eat, which is good for us. The two bookable resuarants were excellent. Drinks were good and plentiful.
I didn't fell very happy there overall though as there was not really any vibe- too many people who didn't want to talk.


First some background- we regularly dive the keys, and have been to cayman's, bonaire, hawaii, indonesia and tahiti to dive.
I really didn't rate cozumel as good as far as coral and marine life was concernced, for me personally I see more in the keys.


we have been diving for 3 years and got advanced certified this year however, I am a safety consious cautious diver and as I had never done a drift dive, I wanted an operator who would be used to having novices onboard.

we chose dive palancar at the resort as the boat rides would be short, and they had reviews here suggesting they would be good for inexperienced divers.

The first dive was OK- nothing great, but good to get used to the drift dive procedures. The DM gave us a brief detail on what to do, but when we hit the water, he changed everything he had said on the boat. there was no briefing on what to expect underneath, or on what we would see.

The second day of diving we had extremely rough seas and most other boats could not go out as there was a small craft advisory. Their boats are big so we were OK.

The DM on this dive was apalling IMHO. He did no briefing on procedures, and wehen I tried to check with him whether he wanted us to descend together or singlely(someting which was never clear on any dive) he made jokes and told me to do whatever I wanted. As we prepared to go in, he said our profile was to be 35 mins at 80 ft and a 3 min safety stop to take it to 38 mins. I checked my tables and figured he would dive us a multi-level to adjust for timing. No.
Then he swam towards a gap/hole in the coral and dissapered- aparently we were doing palancar caverns swim throughs, though none of us knew this.

near to the end, everyones computers were going off and he just waved incomprehensible signals at us all. The surface interval was minimal, but luckily the second dive was at 25 ft, so it was ok.
I was very unhappy, but tipped the guy anyway as there were some seriously heavy handed hints on the boat.

Day 3 was even more laughable, we were taken to another swim through area- put in a group of 11 for the swim throughs-which was far too many, and told that the profile was to be 90 ft for 34 mins- I have no idea what tables this guy was using. The dive was terrible- several larger guys in the group couldn't fit through some as they were very tight- coral was being destoyed all around us, and the dive profile was a major sawtooth dive, but as we were not given any details of the underwater terrain, none of us could avoid it. I usually dive with a 65cft tank and always have air to spare even at depth and in currents, however with an 80cft tank, I ended my safety stop on 400 psi for the first time in my life.

waiting to be picked up by the boat, I was nearly hit my one small boat- this is with a huge red sausage and the DM's one nearby.
then our boat arrived and motioned for us to get on, without the line, and the props were still going- the guy is frantically waving for me to get on the boat and didn't understand why I wasn't moving- I had to poin to the prop to get it turned off.
I felt so bad about it that i would not go on any of the other booked dives- and lost all the money.

All in all, I felt this operator's safety was terrible and would not recommend them to anyone. their interest in the job was minimal and at least 75% of divers I talked to on the boat had bad dives for various reasons.

on a positive note- I tried the British sturgeron seasickness tablets and they were superb!!!
Hi Munkispank (Love the handle!!)

I did Allegro 3 years ago. I had a good time, but it was also only my second "foreign voyage". The food sucked as far as I was concerned.

My diving was better than yours sounded like.

FWIW: I would never stay there again.
Sorry to hear you did not enjoy Cozumel.

Not sure why you chose an operator catering to inexperienced divers. The description of your diving background suggests you are more experienced than the typical resort diver that Dive Palancar caters to. I'm sure you found out that drift diving is pretty easy.

You say you lost your money when you didn't do any of the other booked dives. Dive Palancar should have given a refund if you cancelled more than 24hrs. in advance.

Just about all the dive operators in Coz would have picked you up at the Allegro dock. You should have tried a different operator.

I think your opinion of Cozumel diving would be different if you dove with a better dive operator.
munkispank once bubbled...
waiting to be picked up by the boat, I was nearly hit my one small boat- this is with a huge red sausage and the DM's one nearby.
then our boat arrived and motioned for us to get on,
Wow! It sounds like not only Dive Palancar was pretty crazy that week, but also whatever operator was running that other boat that nearly hit you.

A pretty amazing series of problems.
I am interested in your opinion of diving in Coz. vs Bonaire or Cayman. We were going to try Coz. simply because it is easier to get there from where we live, but if the diving isn't going to be as good, we will probably reconsider and go back to Bonaire (which we love) thanks for your input
Ronrosa: yeah- I am sure I would have had a better time with a different operator- these guys were definately not good. There was no refund for the dives as they have a 24+ policy- all the dives for the rest of that day were non-refundable and the following morning would not be refunded as they were technically outside the 24 hours at the end of the dive. I was just glad I hadn't booked any more! I thought an operator who deals with inexperienced divers might be more safety consious.....hmmm.

Aside from that, I personally did not like the drift diving that much, It was easy and not a problem at all, but I am too used to diving without a DM and I like being able to stop and look, which is difficult with drift diving. Given the choice, I prefer either Bonaire or the Caymans.

Bonaire is better for freedom of diving , but the Caymans are better for variety of terrain. I am back to Caymans in march and Bonaire in May. Both places have great marine life, but Bonaire is cheaper per dive.

I am sure I have just had a bad experience in Cozumel and I know everyone else has a great time. I was just unlucky with the operator.
I was just really glad I had read lots of safety information before going and managed to avoid anything turning bad.

Happy diving
I know we all have our favorites

but as a newbie I had a great time with sergio of (

they have a small boat and just bought a big boat

when we did the 85 feet swim throughs at Palancar the initial briefing was minimal but when I asked for more info Sergio Jr. gave a complete breakdown

also sergio did a great job on keeping and eye on me even though I wasn't the only newbie

also when I wanted to change a dive to a week later with less than 24 hours notice it was no problem

these guys don't give big discounts but they do give great service (AL100's were provided to me free of charge)
Why do I dive with Aldora? Why do I pay the extra few dollars? This report is a perfect example of why. I have never had any of these sort of complaints and the reason I always ask for Bill LaRosa as a DM is because, although he likes to move along in the swim-throughs, he likes to putter along and show you stuff when you are in the open reef. Try Cozumel again. You did not get the true flavor. As a side note I would advise you to check out the Turks & Caicos if you like to be left alone to do your own thing. Caicos Adventures is your op.
Just for the record - I do not dive with Aldora, I do not spend the nearly double they charge compared to the guys I dive with, and I have likewise not had to endure the tribulations you did.

Going with the flow in drift diving is easy, but stopping to look (without applying the brute force approach of kicking into the current) can be a little tricky until you get the feel for looking for calm water. There are places you can stop, and places you can't.
ggunn once bubbled...
Just for the record - I do not dive with Aldora, I do not spend the nearly double they charge compared to the guys I dive with, and I have likewise not had to endure the tribulations you did.

Going with the flow in drift diving is easy, but stopping to look (without applying the brute force approach of kicking into the current) can be a little tricky until you get the feel for looking for calm water. There are places you can stop, and places you can't.

You are right GGunn. I don't want to start another Aldora debate. You are also right about being able to stop on a drift dive and look at something. Thats what I like about DM Bill. He seems to find stuff that is not only interesting but that you can actually stop and look at.

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