Coz Report...A bit long but hope you enjoy it

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So Cal
Dove with Sea Ray Divers and enjoyed every time out with them. Their DMs were very knowledgeable and knew the reefs very well. Had a grandmama with us and she was entertained the whole time by the crew that stayed above.

08-05-02 1st Dive:
La Francensa @ Palancar
Water Temp a cool 84 F
Weight 10lbs
Dive Time 46min
Max Depth = 65
Avg = 46
Clarity 60-80

On first dive of the day and about 10 minutes in, I got to see the awesome Splendid Toadfish of Cozumel. I was so stoked. The current was strong on this day so I had to kick like a madman to catch a couple of extra seconds of this beautiful fish just chill'n underneath a piece of coral and the bottom. The colors on the reefs are just splendid compared to what I get here in sunny SoCal. Saw plenty of Princess Parrotfish, Triggers, Damsels, Barracudas, White-Eye Goabies, and beautiful Sea Anemones.

08-05-02 2nd Dive:
Paso Del Cedral @ Palancar
Surface Interval = 1:19
Dive Time = 52min
Max Depth = 56
Avg = 38

Saw my very first Nurse Shark. It was about 5-6ft long. Saw some huge Sea Slugs. We have'm here, but nearly as big as these monsters. A crew of lobsters chill'n under some coral. These looked like lobsters on steroids they were so big. Got to see some Brittle Starfish inside some Tube coral, some SquirrelFish, and plenty of cool little Puffers.

08-06-02 1st Dive:
Santa Rosa Wall @ Palancar
Water Temp 85F
Dive Time = 44min
Max Depth = 86
Avg = 49

Saw my 2nd Nurse Shark. This one much bigger! 6-7ft it looked like. A lot of Queen Angels, Sea Slugs, HUGE Groupers check'n us out. Some came so close you could touch'm. Watching their eyes watching us was very cool. Princess Parrots, Huge Coned Coral and Blue Fire Coral. Awesome Dive!

08-06-02 2nd Dive:
Da Lela @ Palancar
Surface Interval = 1:27
Dive Time = 51min
Max Depth = 65
Avg = 42

Got to come within an arms reach of *****'n nurse shark chill'n under some coral. It's beady awesome blue eyes starring me down as I was checking it out. It got a little nervous with me that close and started to swim in deeper inside this coral cave structure. It didn't really have a way out so I politely moved away and aside to the nurse shark didn't feel threatened in any matter. It was awesome to watch this nurse swim so gracefully into the turquoise blue waters as it found a new place to rest and hang out. Saw my First Sea Turtle of the trip! A little Bat Ray stealthily sitting on the sandy bottom. Plenty of Reef Butterflies, Bluestriped Grunts in huge numbers hanging out in between coral to get of the strong current. And beautiful Threespot Damsel Juvys. The spots on these guys were almost illuminescent with the sunlight piercing through the water.

08-07-02 was deemed a wedding day so didn't get to dive ;o( woman wouldn't have liked that very much. Thankfully we were staying at Villa Rosmar which is the last house on the beach all the north of the island. With all those damn cruise ships in port, I'm glad I didn't have to go into too much. I hate those cruise ships. What a poison they are to the island.

08-08-02 1st Dive
Palancar Caves @ you guessed it...Palancar
Dive Time = 38min
Max Depth = 110
Avg = 54

This dive was simply AWESOME! Swimming through the caves with overhanging Tube and Fire Corals every where was the bomb baby...The colors are indescribable. It is definitely a brain over load. Saw this HUGE Princess Parrot eating it's way on the hard coral structures. Swam around with this Sea Turtle for a bit at around 80ft. It didn't seem to care that we were around so that was cool. Witnessed this huge Hermit Crab making it's way along the sea floor. The conch shell it was in looked like it was about the size of a football. Very impressive home. Some French Angels and Stoplight Parrots.

08-08-02 2nd Dive
Palancar Horseshoe
Surface Interval = 1:13
Dive Time = 50min
Max Depth = 78
Avg = 41

Huge 15yr oldish Green Turtle. So graceful flying through the water. Scrawled Cowfish eyeball'n me as I floated by, Blue Hamlets swimming in and out of the corals check'n me out and guarding their little piece of home, Blue Chromis, and Rock Hind Coneys.

08-09-02 1st Dive
Palancar Columbia
Dive Time = 46min
Max Depth = 98
Avg = 56
Clarity down a bit due to storms. Maybe 50ish now

Sea Turtle, a nice sized Nurse Shark, huge Trunkfish, Lobsters, Triggers, Damsels, and the awesome Spotted Eagle Ray. That was one of the highlights of the whole trip. Watching this guy or gal glide through the water ever so gracefully. While floating around saw this Barracuda enjoy a meal of this poor fish that wondered too close and got sucked up and devoured right below me. Very cool...
One note on that Spotted Eagle Ray. There was a photographer along with us no this dive and he was able to get so close that he went to pet it on the underside of it's left wing. That photographer flinched real quickly as the Ray banked right and disappeared into the deep blue oceans. It turns out that when we surfaced that when I saw this dude flinch, it was actually because the Ray ZAPPED his ass. That right, these Spotted Eagle Rays actually are able to produce an electrically charge and electrocute you! That was fantastic, because I never realized that it had that as a defense mechanism.

08-09-02 2nd Dive
Surface Interval = 1:40
Max Depth = 80
Avg = 43
Dive Time = 56min

Big Ass Black Grouper! This fish must've been almost 80lbs. Check'n us all out as we floated by. Swam with us for about 3 minutes before it started swimming in another direction. Lobsters, a Bat Ray, Turtle, Queen Angels, Damsels, Parrotfish, and a Puffer Fish that was upset I guess that we were there. I was told later that these poor guys could only due that so many times before they will die. I guess puff'n up is very stressful to them. Poor guys. As we were returning back to dock we actually were lucky enough to see a pod of 6 Dolphins swim by. A few of our people put on the masks and snorkels and jumped in to watch them swim by. They didn't want anything to do with us and just kept on swimming south. I got some pix while I stayed on board to experience this awesome site. Very cool.

Well that was it for diving. A few of us did the Tarzan Tour that takes you to the "Other Side" of the island and goes all the way up north along a very nice bumpy dirt road that is only accessible with some good off- road vehicles. After an hour and a half of driving we got to our beach for some nice lunch and a little snorkeling. I was very disappointed that the guide took all these damn tourists out to the reef and he actually stood on the reef and got all the damn ***** to do the same as he gave his little speech. I was so bummed to watch all the coral being destroyed by these people.

Swimming out was fun for me, but for a couple of these none snorkeling ***, they almost met their maker. Good thing one of the guys brought a boogie board for these people to rest on or they would've drowned. I almost got in a fight with one of these country drawl'n *** about standing on the reefs. This ** out of shape ****kicker was standing and resting I guess on this reef as I swam by and I asked him if he was all right. He replies, "I'm fine why?"

I said, "Because you're standing on a reef destroying what took many years to build and you're just thrashing it all to hell by tap dancing on it with your fins and sitting on it with your ***."

Then he says, "Don't you worry about me...Worry about your darn self."

I reply, "I'm not worried about your ****, I'm worried about all the coral you're destroying by standing and walking all over the reef."

All this chap could repeat was, "Don't you worry about me, worry about yourself."

I was getting so angry at this idiot. His kids were right there next to'm, all teenagers, and they didn't say anything. I took a couple of deep breaths and tried to re center myself and just had to get away from'm before I did something that I might regret later.

If you go with Tarzan Tours, please don't follow that dip**** George onto the reef. Please just chill and hang out around the reef and try to appreciate it like it's supposed to be appreciated. I'm sure at one time this reef was very colorful and full of like, but now it's been destroyed and only a few fish are still hanging around and there is only some soft faster growing corals around.
Thanks for the dive report. I had to edit out a bit of what you said. Please remember this is a family board.

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