Coz News from Resident

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I stole this from Cozumel My Cozumel:

Hi. I posted this info into a new topic before I saw this one.
This is an email we received Saturday afternoon (10/22) from 17 year old Jadie DeLille, whose family own the Jeanie's Waffle House Resteraunt on the main drag in Coz.

Apparently she was able to use her battery powered laptop and found a live phoneline to dial out of on her modem.

This was her message
Hey!...I'm really glad I have my laptop, I as able to hook it up to the phone line and connect, I haven't left my house in 39 hours, and it's barely 11.15, we've had 2 very hard nights, the wind's been howling through the hurricane shutters so strongly, that the rain, which has been non-stop, is coming in through shut windows, it's so wet that it's opening slits in the window frames and water gushes in through there. My house is flooding from the upstairs towards first the NNE winds were going through my mon's room, as it switched WNW (during the daytime) we were able to go out on the balcony, since it's protected from the strong winds and rain, we filmed and saw in awe as the neighbors roof started to fly off, and their neighbors house fall apart (made out of sticks and tar paper roofing), I've got pics and video of it, so you'll soon see what I mean....we were able to get a glimpse of the eye, it wasn't the whole eye, even though it was bigger than cozumel (at 10.30 friday the eye was right next to us and was almost twice as big), as we had 10 min of the calmest winds so far, because it still was windy, as the eye was almost over us, my mom moved her car to where it was safe from the S winds we were supposed to get....we watched in shock as 8 guys came out of the house where the roof was almost completely off of...they slowly walked to a shelter, or to someone's house, but as they walked the winds started to pick up, by 5.30 we had our doors closed and went back to being in the dark, the wind was coming in harder than before, by this time wew were in my room, my door goes out to the baclony, and is covered by a tall part of the balcony, but the waterr was gushing in from how hard it was blowing, my brother's room is almost the same as mine, and his was flooding too (not a whole lot, but just so that is get's everything wet) so my house as flooding from upstairs down....the screen door from downstairs was ripped off it's hinges, our front door was blown open during the night, and we just had to stand hearing it slam over and over until morning, when we could shut it closed with some rope.... the wind and rain haven't stopped yet, we might get into a clearer part, but everything is so damaged, power lines are down, houses are wrecked, everywhere is flooded, and we have no idea when we'll get power back, when food and water will come, right now everyone only has a limited amount of supplies, I don't think anyone would've ever imagined the storm lasting over 40 hours....If you can whenever the storm is passed, send food and water, or any kind of aid possible, Katrina was bad, after all New Orleans is 2 ft under sea level, but Katrina was barely a category 4 when it hit, and it passed quite quickly, we've been here for 40 hours,, Wilma hit as a strong category 4 last I kne, but I'm sure it went up to a 5, right now Wilma is strong cat. 3, but being here it doesn't seem that it's mellowed down at all, and above all it's been moving soooo slow, making the damage even worse, it might be moving slow (so slow that now the weahter center is not specifying how slo, last I heard it was 5mph but it's slowed down) the satellite picture from yesterday is almost at the same spot it is today!! So if you can let anyone know what has happened here, because I'm sure I'm the only one on the island that has been able to tell anyone what has happened, please let them know we need help, maybe if they know before the damage is calculted, the help will come quicker
Jadie De Lille
Grief. I can't hardly stand it. Go away Wilma. Thanks redhatmama. I have been keeping up with your posts. It is appreciated.

I am so sorry to hear about the devistation. Where are you located in Cozumel?? Downtown, North or South? I hope things look worse than they really are. My prayers are with all of you in Cozumel. Hugs, kathy in texas
....But I don't think that I can. I'm guessing that the things you need most are drinking water, some food, and a generator (or ten) to start getting back to normal. You have to believe me what I tell you that all of us up north have been watching the weather channel and just praying for Wilma to get the hell off of the Yucatan penninsula already, and we can only imagine the devastation - it is just as bad up the road in Cancun.

If there IS something that we can do to help, please let us know.

My prayers are with you.

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