coz early July

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If anybody is going to be in Coz July 3-12 PM me and we can exchange info and get together. The hubby and I are staying at the Occidental Grand (2nd-12th). Our first day of diving is going to be on the 3rd. We have never been to coz and are really looking forward to our visit. We are also going to do the dune buggy tour.
If anybody is going to be in Coz July 3-12 PM me and we can exchange info and get together. The hubby and I are staying at the Occidental Grand (2nd-12th). Our first day of diving is going to be on the 3rd. We have never been to coz and are really looking forward to our visit. We are also going to do the dune buggy tour.

I'm arriving in Coz on July 10, and I know that several others from scubaboard will be in Coz during that time frame. Check your PM.

Also check this link as it list a bunch of people that will be in Coz during your time frame.
I'll be there until the 5th, diving on 3rd and 4th. I'm staying at the village tankah, which is a small B&B; anybody know anything about it? It's been highly recommended. Anyhow, send me a PM if you want to talk about diving on those days. I guess the dive op in my package is scubashack, AKA roberta's dive eco cozumel. Its my first time to cozumel, really looking forward to it.

I will be arriving on the island on July 10th staying through July 17th. I have a home in Cozumel, Corpus Christi. If you need any info for a couple of days my cell phone number on the island 044/987/800/0853.
There's a group of three of us from Michigan going to be there July 4th-11th. We are first timers to Cozumel. We're diving the 6th 8th and 9th. Shoot me an e-mail if you have any tips. :)
anyone know what the weather will be like the july 4th weekend?????????


Of course you realize that no one knows, right? Here's what the Weather Underground has to say:

I wouldn't worry too much about those thunderstorm predictions; when I went in May, there were "thunderstorms" or "chance of a thunderstorm" predictions every day we were there, and it only rained twice (for a few minutes) over our whole visit.

The satellite photo at
looks pretty good, but as you know, that can change in a hurry.

My advice to you is to fuhgeddaboudit; your plane tix are bought and there's not a damn thing in the world you can do at this point but go for it. Like the man sez, "Ya pays yer money and ya takes yer chances". Don' worry, be happy. Ev'ry li'l t'ing, gonna be all right.....

Look at it this way, rain or shine, I'd rather be with you than where I'll be.
lol! good points, gordo!


ps> hey! just ordered our new atomic b2 reg + sea quest pro qd+ bc!! so excited! what do you think? i also got the wife the sea quest diva qd bc.


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