Costa Rica...

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I just arrived from costa rica (ocotal in guanacaste). Nice country, nce people but so!!!

It was probably my fault, as I had the expectation too high.

The purpose was to see big animals. I saw some sharks (white tip, mostly) and some rays its true, but no mantas and whale sharks.

The general quality of the dives was relatively poor.

First, visibility is terrible. From 2 metres to max 10 metres, but most of the time was 3-5 metres, with a really green water. it's not fantastic.
Secondly the relitively poor abundance of life. I did not see a great deal of life on the reefs, as I was expecting.
Thirdly, the surge in Catalina and Bat Islands are really anoying and not comfortable at all. Diving these places is, in fact, very phisical.

These famous Catalina and Bat Islands were also a disapointment. In Catalina, I didn't see nothing special. In Bat Islands we did twice the "great scare" dive, just to see for 3 seconds a furtive look to two or three bull sharks.

Local dives were by far the best (argentina point and virador).

Beside that, the diving center is good with good professionals. Dive masters are competent and the Ocotal Resort is correct. Nothing to say from that part.

With the dollar so cheap, is actually very good priced for us Europeans, and I got a very good deal from Europe, for seven days and 10 dives package.

It is too far away from europe, and when compared with a destination like the red sea that is only 4 hrs distance from Paris, where diving is 1000 times better, I think I did the wrong choice.

Anyway, the people is friendly and the country and the region has some very nice places to visit.

If it's just for the diving, I will definetively not be coming back
Thanks for the info, I have seen so much about the area and it all says it is fantastic, so it is nice to have a real person tell it like it is. Perhaps it was a partucilar time of year that has bed algae bloom or something similar, who knows, but I now know to look into the area before partaking.
We are taking a trip there in August of this year, I hear the vis is better at that time of year. I will be sure to post a report. However, I will say this, even the owner of the dive shop said not to come to Costa Rica for a dive trip, but for the whole experience. They say there is too much else to see and do.
Agree with you, kent. My trip to Ocotal included white-water rafting, horseback ride and the jungle tour where you are strapped into a harnass and fly over the jungle on a cable. Also the hot springs at the volcano and a mud bath. One of our group also went deep-sea fishing from Ocotal.
The diving is not for a beginner. I was at the time and worked hard. Vis. about 20-30 ft, got stuck at the end of the group a lot so everything was already scared into hiding.
I did see a HUGE school of rays at Cat Island, though. They just kept flying by.
The extra stuff we did surface-wise made the trip worthwhile.
Has any one dove Cano? It is in the Southern part of Costa Rica the Osa peninsula. I have a trip planned in December. This trip is expensive and i have been told the diving is good and the Vis is better than in the North. I have heard the rain forest is the finest in the world. But my main interest is the diving.

If anyone has any information about Cano please let me know.
Has anybody gone into Nicaragua and dived at San Juan del Sur? We're hitting Costa Rica and Nicaragua next week (May 11) and thinking we might want to dive there instead of Costa Rica. Found a couple of PADI dive shops.
Has any one dove Cano? It is in the Southern part of Costa Rica the Osa peninsula. I have a trip planned in December. This trip is expensive and i have been told the diving is good and the Vis is better than in the North. I have heard the rain forest is the finest in the world. But my main interest is the diving.

If anyone has any information about Cano please let me know.

I am going to CR next month, mostly a surfing trip, but I plan on doing a day or two of diving at Cano. I will post an update when I get back.
Has any one dove Cano? It is in the Southern part of Costa Rica the Osa peninsula. I have a trip planned in December. This trip is expensive and i have been told the diving is good and the Vis is better than in the North. I have heard the rain forest is the finest in the world. But my main interest is the diving.

If anyone has any information about Cano please let me know.

I stayed in Osa at the Jinetes this March and dove Cano.
Posted a report about it somewhere around here (as did others).
Did you do a search?
I stayed in Osa at the Jinetes this March and dove Cano.
Posted a report about it somewhere around here (as did others).
Did you do a search?

Yes i did a search no luck on find your report. Found a couple of others and the writes up were OK.

Could you fill me in about your experience. I am staying at the Aguila de Osa.


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