Costa Rica Trip

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I went last year about that time frame. Stayed in Playa Del Coco, flew into Liberia. Stayed with and dove with Both were fantastic. The hotel was amazing, and we had breakfast included which was really nice. They also have some great food there as well. The dive op was wonderful too, they have changed management since then, so I can't comment on the current owners. Only one of the dive masters is the same since we were there, Jaime. He is great. He was probably the best dive master I have ever had. Also, don't forget to go to the Catalina islands, it is well worth the extra money. If they still have the 3 dive trip there, I highly recommend it. Oh, and that was the cheapest dive trip I have ever been on.
Our paths cross again ... I would second the above about flying into Liberia, staying at Cocos and the Villa Flores. We dove local as well as the Bats and Cats. Rich Coast at the time had a fine on water operation except they shorted our tanks the day we went out to the Bats but the office management had some problems and did some double talking regarding the "package" price we got. But that was with the old owner Jessica I am not sure what it will be like with the new owners. As such, I would say proceed with caution as the new owners may not have things sorted out yet.
I was there a couple of years ago. I dove with Dive Safari at Plya Hermosa (though careful, there are 2 Plya Hermosas and they are both near by). The vis was poor, but my 3 days of diving were still great (pacific side).

Good luck!
I will second playa del coco and Rich Coast diving. Outstanding staff. Just keep an eye on your girlfriend around Martin :)
I also dove with Rich coast diving and must say Martin and Brenda are great people. They have alot of expierence with diving and really have their act together. They changed the dive shop and it looks really nice. They used to own a dive shop somewhere in the Caribbean before. Their crew is great as well and very professional.
Go to Playa del Coco and enjoy the bull sharks at bat islands!
Yep. I was just joking about the Martin comment. The staff there really is great. Actually, the instructor that I did my AOW with in Belize used to work there and had nothing but good things to say. There is also a dive site there called "The Big Scare" which is suppose to be a drift dive w/ a TON of bulls. It's suppose to be pretty intense.

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