Costa Rica May!

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United States
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0 - 24
Hey board,

I'm going to Costa Rica May 2-10th, 2014. I was actually looking to try and Scuba Dive one day though I will be staying in Jaco with no rental car so my options are limited. I will also be the lone diver and I know most places require 2 people, I was just hoping to join a group.

I obtained my OW certification last year but have yet to go on a dive!

Is anyone else there a this time?
Is it feasible to take a cab to another place and scuba dive with another dive company?
I have the days of May 4/6/8 when im actually not doing land activities free.
I also have a gopro is there a specific filter i need. Usually its red for blue water... but Costa Rica pacific side might be a little different?

I emailed Herradura Divers but I know those specific days are kind of a hassle so lets hope all works well!

Thanks all!
Herradura divers is your only option in the area. Thats not a bad thing though, personally i love diving with them. At this time of the year you can see mantas, white tip reef sharks, seahorses and plenty of eals and nudis!

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