Costa Rica: Manuel Antonio diving/dive ops

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hey I am going here in July and want to get some diving in... Was wondering how the diving is.... and what dive ops I might use. I found this dive op online any comments.... acctually the website seems to be no longer there and I looked at it a couple of days ago any info would be great the dive center was called manuel antonio divers but now I am not sure its there any more.

edit: called them and they are in the process of switching domians but please any suggestions for diving and dive ops in Manuel Antonio would be great!!!!
Never heard of them. Are they new? Go to the website the above poster provided that will get you well on your way:)
We'll be happy to take you diving while you are here.

Check out our website Costa Rica Scuba Diving with Oceans Unlimited Costa Rica


Thankyou Pura Vida Diver...Pura Vida means pure living correct?

I saw that your price for a 2 tank dive was 95 dollars if I am bringing all my own gear(except tanks and weights) does that bring the price down some?

Also how long is the drive from Manuel Antonio to Quepos?

Yes, pura vida means pure life, more or less. It's a referral to the Costa Rican attitude and vibe.

As for bringing your own gear, we do discount for that. Our pricing reflects the fact that that we provide all the gear for the majority of our clients, and importing scuba gear (legally) in to CR is expensive.

Quepos and Manuel Antonio are really one in the same. If you are staying "up the hill" in MA you are no more than ten minutes from us, we are at the foot of the hill on the road to MA. In fact, transport from and back to your hotel (or breakfast or lunch location!) is included in the price of the diving.

If you need more info, or want to make a reservation, the best course of action is to contact Bob, Doris, Katharine or Georgia at They'll be happy to assist you in any way they can.


As for bringing your own gear, we do discount for that. Our pricing reflects the fact that that we provide all the gear for the majority of our clients, and importing scuba gear (legally) in to CR is expensive.

Theres an extra charge to bring my own Scuba Gear into CR? I cant just bring it on the plane? sorry if I sound ignorant or naive might be a better word, but this is the first I have heard of this can you give me a little more information or maybe I am just misunderstanding you....?

)ox I'm thinking RCD may be a bit cønfused about what you are asking :ne_nau: No, there is no extra charge for Scuba Gear :no. If it fits in your baggage, and is under the required weight (yada, yada, yada), you are good to go :)

Sorry for the confusion, I'm speaking from the business operator position, not that of a visitor. Tourists may bring in any equipment that they want since it's personal equipment and not intended to be "imported", or stay in the country. In order to bring in diving equipment intended for uses such as rental, instruction, etc. as a business we are subject to steep import taxes, up to 33% on dive gear. This helps explain why diving operations, or at least those with top notch rental gear, are not more plentiful as of yet and more expensive than in other locales.

I hope this helps......

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