Corp of Engineers Closing Diving at Lakes?

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The Diving Mecca of Dorthy & Toto....Kansas
Hello all!

We have run into a new situation here in Missouri and wanted to see if anyone else was having the same issues. The Corp of Engineers has closed diving at Table Rock Lake because they are afraid of terrorist activity near the dam. Divers can still dive at Table Rock but only from boats that are several miles from the dam. Unfortunately the only protected place for students to do their check out dives at Table Rock is from the shore near the dam.

Mr Scubabunny and I were suppose to go down last weekend but heard the news in enough time to divert to Bull Shoals Lake but local instructors and dive shops are having a heck of a time trying to figure out where to certify students.

Has anyone else run into this type of situation near you?

The State of Idaho has closed vehicle traffic over dams and aircraft flight no closer than 3 miles (to include military helicopters). Diving is still allowed but not near the dams. Since we are at an all time low hydrological cycle, its really a moot point.

They would have to station a patrol to enforce the new restrictions, so rather than ban use of the water, they should just check divers for explosives. I saw a piece on the news that New York area reservoirs are being closed to hikers and campers out of a fear that someone might poison the water with biological or chemical agents. This is ridiculous! If that did happen, it would be so diluted it most likely would have no effect at all. And besides, if someone wanted to poison our water supply, all they have to do is pour the toxins down the sink. It all goes to the water treatment plants just like the reservoir water does. We are getting out of hand. These dangers have always been here. We are no more at risk now than we were before September 11th. In fact we are safer now because of the heightened awareness. Osama Bin Laden has been after us for a decade or more. There have been studies done and drills carried out for the past decade that showed we weren't ready for this kind of thing. This information has been repeatedly submitted to our legislators and they seemed to be more concerned with tax cuts and missle defences and such. It's a shame such a tragedy has to occur before some people get their priorities straight. Nobody can ever be 100% safe. There is a MUCH greater chance of us dying in a car wreck than in a terrorist attack, but nobody thinks twice about hopping in their car and going for a drive. Nobody has banned the use of all automobiles. Maybe if a terrorist used an automobile in an attack, then they would ban the use of all autos. We need to be aware and vigilant, but we need to quit freaking out about our safety. There is some inherent risks in existing. If a terrorist wants to get you, buying all the antibiotics in the pharmacy won't save you. We need to come to terms with this, be vigilant, and then continue with our lives. I for one am no more afraid to fly, ride in a train, or go up in a tall building now than I was before this all happened and I am not willing to give up all my civil liberties and freedom so "Big Brother" can track down terrorists. Vague and broad laws that strip us of our freedoms are more dangerous than a random terrorist attack. Our great nation was founded to escape the police state mentality and that was the reason we fought the cold war..remember? To ensure our freedoms and civil liberties were not infringed on, and now we're just going to give them away because of terrorists attacks. I don't think so.

Sorry about the rant, but this all is starting to get out of hand.

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