Cool weekend and good diving

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Martinez, GA
Just had to share what a great weekend of weather and diving I just had. It has been in the upper 50's early in the morning and mid 70's during the day. We dove the lake yesterday as part of National Park clean up day and that was really a fun day. The Corp of Engineers gave all the divers T-shirts and posters and even fed us lunch. We cleaned up a lot of trash from around the boat launch and fishing piers.My dive buddy told me this was her first dive since her OW cert and she was nervous. I told her we would be fine and I would keep a close watch over her. The water was murky from all the divers kicking around looking for trash. I used my new navigation skills and we did fine. The other divers worked below the Dam and at another boat launch/dock area. After lunch my buddy and I (a new found buddy) as we met at this event, went to the other side of the lake and dove from a beach. It was really fun too. We filled up a game bag with more trash. Visibilty was 10-15 feet and in some areas up to 18-20 feet. Water temperature was 79 degrees a thermocline at 35 feet to 72 degrees. After our dive ,my instructor invited me to come join him with a diver that needed to complete her OW today as a river dive. I told him I would and I am really glad I did. The river had a moderate current, water temp was 64, our max depth was 20 feet. As it was just him, the lady needing to finish her check out and myself, we sandwiched her between us as she was very nervous. I really felt good that he had me help him. All in all I felt really good after these dives and throughly enjoyed myself. I think I like working with new divers and helping out. My instructor has recommended that I may want to work toward Dive Con and I really think I will.

I know this was a long post but I had to share as I am really feeling so good about this weekend. I now look forward to my next dive even more than ever.
That is a really great story.

I have had the oportunity to be a safety diver as my instructor calls it a few times and every time I get to do that I just feel great afterwards, besides I also get to re practice my skills.

What is a Dive Con? that is a term I haven't heard before.
The best description I can give of Dive Con is a person that knows dive sites, and can assist others at this site. They have to be Master Diver Certified, and are also, like you said a safety person that assists the instructor. This is an SSI term. Liquid is an SSI instructor if he reads this maybe he can help us out in defining this as I learned of this through my SSI navigation instructor when I finished the course.
SeaAngel....sounds like you had a great time!!!!

By the sounds of what you are describing to be a Dive Con I am guess it is something similar to a PADI Dive Master - helping the instructor and leading tours of dive sites and coral reefs etc.

Anyway, congrates on the good dive....hope you get many more like it to come!
Sounds like you had a great time, thanks for sharing it with us. I would share my story of diving at ClearSprings in Texas but the highlight was when my dive buddy found a dead catfish at about 55 feet and swam with it to shallow water and used it to scare the little fish...

Should I have been worried?
SeaAngel sounds like a great dive.................Syruss32 it sounds like a typical dive for you.........We had a great cleanup dive here in Campbellford, ON and on Sunday Myself, Bottom_Sucker, OntarioDiver and DivingGal had a couple of great dives in Lake Ontario out from Kingston: The George Davie @ 90' and the George Marsh @ 80'. Thanks again to the afore mention divers for the invite.

Butch :peace:

As much as I am sure you should be worried about your buddy, his behaviour isnt what I would describe as normal....I am more concerned about the fact this was the highlight of your dive!!! :loopy:
Originally posted by ScubaBaby

As much as I am sure you should be worried about your buddy, his behaviour isnt what I would describe as normal....I am more concerned about the fact this was the highlight of your dive!!! :loopy:

Obviously you have not dove in Texas yet Scubababy as things like this are the highlights, unfortunately. I did get to try out my new camera. I hope the pictures come out okay although there wasn't very good visibility. I need a picture of me underwater with gear on!

If I get it I will post it for all to laugh at!

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