Conned or what ?

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OK, bought the wife an oly. 5050Z. Went to Ocean Fest thinking to check out housing that might be there. Found PT015 with strobe, looked good to me. I went to a DAN seminar. Upon return SHE had ordered a light and motion tetras housing, with macro and wide angle wetmate lens ( can use her Nikonos strobes and tray ). After shock and awe wore off, she also advised that we were signed up for an aggressor photo trip in May 04 ( Cayman ).
I dont' take pictures ( here's my sign )! Excuse the rant, but that damn insinsere smile was stuck on my face for two days.
Ahh you poor guy. If you don't (didn't) want to go, I would be happy to accompany her. :D
You did say May 04 or does this mean May 2004?

She did spend a lot of money on the equipment and should have discussed it with you, but hey, she is the photographer not you.

I only wish my wife would show that type of initiative.

I do this sort of thing to my wife all the tiime so.... Sorry Dude I don't think it's that bad.
So, there will be a lot of people on the trip snapping pictures. I don't see how that has much if anything to do with your enjoyment of a week-long dive trip in the Caymans. Dude, Bloody Bay Wall is one of the most spectacular things you're ever going to see, whether you take pics or not, just go there and have an awesome time! :D
I don't think you'll get much sympathy here! Were you shocked because SHE bought something without your knowledge or just the sticker shock of a Tetra rig? That's something you'll have to work out between you.

But who can complain about a liveaboard dive trip...whether to take pictures ot not!
Conned? No way!
Sounds like you've got quite a catch.
Rick could always take up modeling!

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