Complete Rig help

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Reaction score
British Columbia
# of dives
50 - 99
Hi Tobin,

I'm new to bp/w and would like to know which rig to order from you. Here are my stats/here is what I have been running:

195lb athletic build
White's Nexus 3 drysuit (switching to a White's Fusion soon)
White's Mk3 undergarment
Seaquest BCD with 12lbs
2lb of trim at tank
8lb weightbelt
3lb total ankleweight
Misc: Slate/computer/compass/primary&secondary dive lights
AL80s (but would like to move to a steel 130)

I have no intention of using the bp/w for warm diving. I'd like to simplify my weighting and get a nice streamlined minimalist setup.

Thanks for your reply!
Hi Tobin,

I'm new to bp/w and would like to know which rig to order from you. Here are my stats/here is what I have been running:

195lb athletic build
White's Nexus 3 drysuit (switching to a White's Fusion soon)
White's Mk3 undergarment
Seaquest BCD with 12lbs
2lb of trim at tank
8lb weightbelt
3lb total ankleweight
Misc: Slate/computer/compass/primary&secondary dive lights
AL80s (but would like to move to a steel 130)

I have no intention of using the bp/w for warm diving. I'd like to simplify my weighting and get a nice streamlined minimalist setup.

Thanks for your reply!


Thank you for the very complete information on your current configuration. That's exactly what I need.

It looks like your current suit is about 22-24 lbs positive, and I would expect the Fusion to be a little more, maybe ~26 lbs.

At 6' you can use a medium plate. A medium SS plate and harness is about -6 lbs, and your reg is about -2 and a full al 80 is -2. That makes your rig about - 10 lbs with a full cylinder. It will provide about 4 lbs of ballast with an empty tank.

If you need 24 -26 lbs total that leaves ~20 lbs in a belt. That's a lot on a belt. Adding the 8lbs (per pair) bolt on weights reduces the weight belt to around 12 lbs, and your rig is now -18 lbs with a full al 80.

When you switch to a Steel 130 from an al 80 your rig will be about -28 lbs with a full cylinder (assuming you are using the bolt on weights) and will provide about 18 lbs of ballast with an empty cylinder. That leaves 6-8 lbs on your belt.

Wing choice is between an LCD 30 and Torus 35. Either provides enough lift, but the 35 is "flared" a bit at the divers hips, and this is useful when substantial weight belts are used.


Medium Stainless Plate
Hogarthian Harness
Torus 35 wing
(cambands and wedge blocks are included)
Optional 8.1 lbs bolt on weights

If you expect to continue to dive with al 80's the bolt on weights are very likely to be helpful. You may not need them with the steel 130's

Thanks for the prompt reply. You can expect an order from me in the coming weeks:D
I'll definitely consider the bolt on plates as I travel the region and sometimes rent local al80s.

I've put a couple dives on my new rig and am really liking the switch to the backplate. The kit is topnotch and streamlined.

My only gripe is that the supplied bc inflator hose is about 6 to 7" too long for the corrugated hose on my 35lb wing. The supplied hose measures about 19.5in end to end including fittings. So the inflator hose shoves my corrugated hose into unexpected positions.

I'm using a DS4 first on a single HP130 and my tank valve is at what I believe to be the proper height behind my head and the top of the first just clears the wing top by about an inch or more.

I'll be trying a few shorter inflator hoses at my LDS tomorrow.
I've put a couple dives on my new rig and am really liking the switch to the backplate. The kit is topnotch and streamlined.

My only gripe is that the supplied bc inflator hose is about 6 to 7" too long for the corrugated hose on my 35lb wing. The supplied hose measures about 19.5in end to end including fittings. So the inflator hose shoves my corrugated hose into unexpected positions.

I'm using a DS4 first on a single HP130 and my tank valve is at what I believe to be the proper height behind my head and the top of the first just clears the wing top by about an inch or more.

I'll be trying a few shorter inflator hoses at my LDS tomorrow.

The "ideal" LP hose length is hard to predict. It depends on the reg used, as hose routing differs from reg to reg, it depends on the position of the plate and wing relative to the cylinder, and to some extent the cylinder used. Some cylinders have longer or shorter necks.

Without having all the components assembled it's just not possible to furnish exactly the right length.

A LP hose that's a bit too long is preferable to too short, and we choose to err on that side.

No worries. The bp/w sets that I could buy up here are about double your price! I think that I can afford another hose. :wink:

Just wanted to give you some feedback for that kind of setup.

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