"Come on and take a FREE RIDE...."

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Rick Inman

ScubaBoard Supporter
Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
I have some free advise for you.

If you're shooting an OC 50# bag with a finger spool, and a couple of feet of line accidentally falls out of the spool, go ahead and roll the excess line back onto the spool before you insert the 2nd stage of your long hose into the bag and fill it with air. Otherwise, the dangling line might just get hooked to the clip of the bolt snap on your long hose. If that happens, the bag will shoot up and take all seven feet of the hose with it. Then, when to hose is making a straight line from your canister which it is wrapped around, to the surface, the now fuller lift bag will start hauling you to the surface, too. You can dump air from your dry suit and wing and exhale like a maniac; you can try to remain horizontal to create drag against the pull; but whatever you do, you will take a free ride right to the surface.

This public service announcement has been brought to you by tonight's dive.

Thanks for the chuckles Rick :D

Oh... wait... I'm laughing at you, not with you!

No... uh .... well.... uh.... sorry.... hope you're laughing too :blush:
Wow... sound slike an interesting moment. you failed to mention whether you used more air than usual during this event... Did it reduce your bottom time? J/K :)

Glad you're OK - advice taken and stored in the "Useful stuff" compartment of my brain...

Wow... sound slike an interesting moment.
Oh, it was. I also found out that you can not will yourself to stop rising, no matter how hard you try. I also found out that if you let go of your spool, it will unravel and wait for you on the bottom.
Photos ! We need photos!

I sure do hope you had a buddy with a camera nearby to help capture the moment for prosperity.... :D

Or were they laughing too hard to take a shot?

Photos ! We need photos!

I sure do hope you had a buddy with a camera nearby to help capture the moment for prosperity.... :D

Or were they laughing too hard to take a shot?

Actually (and this is totally true) my buddy had dropped something on the bottom and didn't see my elevator ride. He said my light kept doing circles on the bottom, which he thought was me asking if he was OK, and he kept circling back, yes - for goodness sake - I'm OK.

There were seven of us, one with a camera and one with a video cam. Fortunately, no one around me at the time to record the event!
First, I'm glad you are ok and didn't get to re-visit the chamber.

Having said that, I would pay big bucks to see that on video :D

Commiserations! Similar thing happened to me a few weeks back. You know the bit where you are told that if it starts going up let go of it. Well I did that - reached for my inflator hose and ended catching my hand on the spool line so what does this numpty do? Grabs the bloody line arghhhhhhhh!

You appreciate Boyle now eh :)?
Oh, boy, and I thought nothing could make me any more anxious about this weekend than I already was. Anything you can do, I can do klutzier:)

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