Cocos White Tip Video

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Great video. That is a heck of a lot of sharks. Loved it.
Did you see any sharks?
Thanks! No, didn't post a trip report - too lazy. :)
It was awesome!
The white tips were way more thrilling than I had imagined.
That video is as close to the real experience as you can get without hovering above them yourself. Note at around 1:15 you can see a guage dangling about 3 feet above the sharks - thats how close you can get and they pay you absolutely no mind other than to dart around you. I got back from Cocos a week and half ago and I'm still mentally there (thats why no trip report yet :) ).... It was the best time I've ever had in my life, and that is despite the fact that I got food poisoning from eggs at lunch in a diner in San Jose right before we got on board the Aggressor and was up all night feeding the fish into the next day... No mas huevos, gracias!
Nice Video - Thanks for posting it.

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