Cocos Island Fall Trips?

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100 - 199
I am a moderate diver. I am fairly new to SB, but you all have been so friendly so far! I was told on the 'meet and greet' that Cocos is a great spot for large animals. I am eager to go this fall. Does anyone have any suggestions? Aggressor? Undersea Hunter? I am hearing about shark finning out there. Is there any problem with this? Please let me know. I might even be interested in two trips. Looking for two people.


I believe the prevailing sentiment on this board is the Undersea Hunter (or the Sea Hunter) are the better run boats going to Cocos. You may need to contact the business office for space available on a fall trip as these trips tend to book a year in advance. If you do a search for Cocos Island you will find 3 trip reports from me (May 07, Nov 07 and Jul 08). After having just dove the Red Sea I am still convinced that Cocos is my favorite place to dive.
yeah the undersea hunter group is the way to go. these trips tend to book about a year or more in advance, but spots may open up as the departure date arrives, so if your schedule is flexible you may be able to find a spot. that's how i got on my first trip ... a spot opened up about 3 months before departure and i jumped on it.
cocos is great! you'll love it.

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