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Dartmouth,NS,Canada(Eastern Passage-Atlantic)
# of dives
1000 - 2499
When the change occurred, I figured out how to get to the Forums and bookmarked it in my "favourites" (with the old site, you just went to the Home page and clicked on Forums, or could always click on that no matter where you were in the subforums, etc.). I tried to get to forums on a public computer, but was unable to find anything like "forums" to click on (before and after I logged in). I'm sure this is probably a dumb question, but I am computer dumb. What do you click on when on the Home page to go right to all the forums? Thanks.
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Tom, the light blue bar at the top of the page should contain a link titled "Community". This will take you to the main forums page which I think is what you're looking for.

You can also add forums or threads to your "Watched" list by looking for Watch this Forum or Watch this Thread at the top right of each. Clicking on Watched Threads or Forums in the lower menu bar will then display just those respectively. You also will have options for notifications when any of them change.
Also notice the tabs at the top of this post, clicking on Community there as well takes you back to the main forum list.

Perfect guys, thanks.

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