First off, thanks for you posts in the past concerning verizon access in Coz. I just got off the phone with them and activated the North American Plan. Although now they don't charge extra for the international dialing option with it.
The questions- I'm assuming your phone is stateside based not Mexican.
1. What keystrokes/access numbers are necessay to call the US from there?
2. Same question for calls to local numbers on the island.
3. Does your 3 key voicemail access number work from there(*86) or do you have to dial a US number to get through.
Thanks in advance
The questions- I'm assuming your phone is stateside based not Mexican.
1. What keystrokes/access numbers are necessay to call the US from there?
2. Same question for calls to local numbers on the island.
3. Does your 3 key voicemail access number work from there(*86) or do you have to dial a US number to get through.
Thanks in advance