CHAT -Unsupported plug-in

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I use Chrome - and when I try to access chat, scubaboar displays an Unsupported "plug-in" message.

FWIW Chrome users outnumber all other browser users on the web about 2:1. At BEST 33% of your users are able to use the chat feature (assuming 100% support of all non-chrome browsers), more likely though less than 15% at are able to use the chat feature. Why bother?
Hello Hanglide.

Thank you for reporting this issue. Why yes, Chome users do make up 50% of ScubaBoard users. At the same time. The Chat is not actually part of ScubaBoard, but a third party plugin that we are using.

All that I can do to fix this problem is to report this issue to the hosts/developers of the plugin. (which I have done)

When I hear back from them, I'll post a response.
Their response (I can't say I'm a huge fan of this response, but it's something for the meantime)

I can't say for sure from the screen capture but that looks like it might be Chrome browser. As good as the Chrome browser has been we now can't recommend it for using our Java chat. By years end Chrome will be blocking all java applications. Have you tried any other browsers. For me IE still works fine and Opera has made great strides to become a much improved browser. There is however a currently a workaround for those to use Chrome on pages with java applications but as mentioned, by years end this might change.

Those having problems accessing the java chat using the latest Chrome browser can do the following:
1. Enter the following into the browser (URL address input).
2. Click Enable for Enable NPAPI Mac, Windows
3. Close Chrome browser then re-launch.

Hopefully the above steps will get Chrome users back up and running java applications.

Also Internet Explorer and Opera may have no issues with the latest Java updates.

They do have a new product that incorporates chat without Java, and this is expected to launch soon.
Thanks for acknowledging the issue. I do use several other browsers (out of necessity because of issues like this) but until now I've never complained.. I just used a different browser and/or plugin.

Unfortunately, this has just perpetuated the problem. Developers need to develop for the majority of the market -and the browser/plug-in developers need to know that if they can't keep up with/support the current "big dog" of browsers, people (you) will find something else to use.

Like it or not, having a "big dog" goes a long way towards standardization. - which is always a good thing.

While there may be a use for Java in enterprise/proprietary connected technology, I'm not sure there is a use for it in mainstream web use. JS/HTML5/PHP/SQL crush it. And has for years...

Just my 2c
I have the same problem.

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