Caye Caulker - Here we come. July 22 - 29.

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Houston, TX
# of dives
25 - 49
Got our plane tickets. House is booked. We are very ready for a vacation!

I have started emailing some dive operators and will more than likely be using Belize Diving Services ( for most of the diving. I plan on going ahead and getting my advanced OW while I am there. I figure I am going to do a night dive and deep water (blue hole), so if I am in the water, might as well get the cert. I also plan on setting up my fellow travelers with some snorkling while I am diving by just having them come out with me. Right now, I plan on hitting all the major dive sites but it will be tight so I hope the weather will be good.

We have rented a house for a week through Amanda Badger and plan on spending the rest of the time being as lazy as humanly possible. Maybe cave tubing. We have a good idea of all the restaurants on the island and really don't plan on getting over to Pedro.

Anyway, just looking for some any last minute advice from some Caulker vets before we take off.
I'm by no means a veteran of caye caulker, but I commend you to check out Frenchie's and Paradise Down for diving, in that order. Frenchie's is owned and operated by long time locals.

Go across the split once for breakfast.

And of course, enjoy sunset at the Lazy Lizard (at the split). What a great place. Enjoy!
will be interested in a trip report when you are done - we are doing the same thing at the end of Aug....(Belize Diving Services and an apartment from Amanda)
joe caulker:
I'm by no means a veteran of caye caulker, but I commend you to check out Frenchie's and Paradise Down for diving, in that order. Frenchie's is owned and operated by long time locals.

Go across the split once for breakfast.

And of course, enjoy sunset at the Lazy Lizard (at the split). What a great place. Enjoy!
Paradise Down is no longer operating
will be interested in a trip report when you are done - we are doing the same thing at the end of Aug....(Belize Diving Services and an apartment from Amanda)
I like your website.

I am planning on doing some serious writing while I am down there and see if I can get it published.

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