So, I have one decsion left: Cave cut or not?
DUI CLX 450 (custom)... what would you chose?
The LDS manager says it's too restrictive.
The guy at Extreme Exposure says if it were, would JJ and GI3 have them? Also, they're restrictive, but you don't need to be able to do hurdles and touch the middle of your back, just your valves and fins.
The DUI rep says they're more restrictive, but not too restrictive.
What do you guys think?
I'm making a decision tomorrow! (I think
DUI CLX 450 (custom)... what would you chose?
The LDS manager says it's too restrictive.
The guy at Extreme Exposure says if it were, would JJ and GI3 have them? Also, they're restrictive, but you don't need to be able to do hurdles and touch the middle of your back, just your valves and fins.
The DUI rep says they're more restrictive, but not too restrictive.
What do you guys think?
I'm making a decision tomorrow! (I think